July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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The United Nations has suspended Russia from the Human Rights Council following the Pucha assassination

The United Nations has suspended Russia from the Human Rights Council following the Pucha assassination

The UN General Assembly on Thursday voted to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. As punishment for serious human rights violations in the Ukrainian city of Pucha.

Of the 193 council members, 93 people voted in favor of the suspension, 24 against and 58 abstained..

In addition to the United States and Ukraine, EU countries, Latin American countries such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru or Uruguay, and other states such as Australia, Canada, Turkey or Norway also supported the move. The resolution was also supported by SerbianIt has previously refused to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation.

Countries that voted in favor of green, countries that did not vote in yellow and those that voted in red voted against.
Countries that voted in favor of green, countries that did not vote in yellow and those that voted in red voted against.

Include countries that voted against Own Russia And The regimes of China, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Nicaragua and Cuba.

When, India is among the 58 states selected to vote, South Africa, Egypt, El Salvador, India, Nigeria, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia. Brazil And MexicoThe Two giants of Latin America, They were not forced to reject Russia, and did not vote.

After the referendum, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Dimitro GulebaHe said “thank you” to the UN member states “They chose the right side of history.”

War criminals have no place in the UN body created to protect human rightsSaid.

Gaddafi ‘s Libya: Muammar GaddafiHe was re-employed a few months later in response to the repression of the 2011 protests.

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In the case of Russia, the United States and its allies argued Moscow will not be able to continue to participate in the UN “while undermining all fundamental principles”. Committed its aggression against Ukraine and atrocities against civilians.

“Russia is not only committing human rights abuses, it is shaking the foundations of international peace and security.”Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations Sergei Kislytsia said before the vote.

The ambassador warned all members that voting against the initiative would be tantamount to “incitement” against Ukrainian citizens. It would be a show of “indifference” to allow genocide in Rwanda in 1993.

Russia needs a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly to suspend.The body on which the 193 member states of the United Nations sit, transcends a bar, however The text received less support than previous resolutions criticizing Moscow since the beginning of the war.

Although the possibility of removing Russia from the Human Rights Council has been discussed for weeksKnowing the massacre in Pucha, Washington decided to take actionNear kyiv, Ukrainian authorities accuse Russian troops of killing hundreds of civilians.

After voting, Russia regretted its suspension but promised to defend its interests. “It simply came to our notice then“The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview Skynews From Great Britain. “And we will continue to defend our interests using all possible legal means.”

Created in 2006 instead The Human Rights Commission has failed, the Council is the highest body of the United Nations in the region and is made up of 47 countries.Elected for a term of three years.

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His CompositionThe decision will be made in the annual elections It was constantly criticized for covering states with highly questionable human rights record.

Currently sitting in the church, among others, China, Cuba, Libya, United States, Ukraine Or Venezuela. Russia, meanwhile, has been a regular member, now in its second year of a three-term term.

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