October 23, 2024

Brighton Journal

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The United States celebrated the sense of peace and civility that followed the first round of elections in Brazil

The United States celebrated the sense of peace and civility that followed the first round of elections in Brazil
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken REUTERS/File photo

United States Secretary of State, Anthony BlinkenHe congratulated people and institutions Brazil After the first round of elections held this Sunday.

“We congratulate people and companies Brazil “We support the free exercise of their right to choose their next leader for the successful conduct of the first round of elections,” the official posted on his Twitter account.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released a statement
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released a statement

Blinken shares more “Brazil’s hope that the second round will take place with the same peace and civic duty”.

US Secretary of State, Anthony BlinkenHe expressed hope on Friday Brazil Prove that there is Strong electoral institutions Ahead of the first round of the presidential election this Sunday, he faces unsubstantiated allegations Fraud By the President Jair Bolsonaro.

eye blinking and Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Melanie Joygathered WashingtonThey said they do not want to interfere in this election.

“In general, Brazil has very strong democratic institutions, including very strong electoral institutions, which they have demonstrated time and time again,” he said. eye blinking At a joint press conference.

“We hope that will happen in the upcoming elections this weekend.”

In a controversial definition, the former president of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da SilvaIn the first round of the presidential election, the current head of state was imposed by 5 points. Jair Bolsonaro, But not reaching the 50% required by law Voting will be held on October 30 next.

Brazil goes into the second round of the Reuters/Lucas Landau presidential election
Brazil goes into the second round of the Reuters/Lucas Landau presidential election

The results were surprising as practically all opinion polls showed a very comfortable margin in favor of the Labor Party (PT) leader. Many pollsters have even predicted a spectacular win in the first round.

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However, at the end of an agonizing count that began by giving Bolsonaro an advantage of up to seven points, then reduced by drops, the results put the former president. Lula received 48.25% of the vote, compared to 43.35% for the president, with 99% of the polls counted.

As expected, The rest of the candidates are far from the main candidates. Simone Tebet of the Brazilian Democratic Movement and Ciro Gomez of the Democratic Workers Party did not exceed 4 and 3% respectively. Seven others, meanwhile, failed to pass 1%.

Mainstream pollsters had been predicting a wide advantage for Lula for months and predicted the former president would likely win this Sunday without the need for a referendum on October 30. However, Bolsonaro resisted and insisted that only his supporters believe.

while, LulaHe even set aside the iconic Ballista Avenue in Sao Paulo to celebrate his victory. Every vote has to be fought for now.

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