July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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They seek to extend the ceasefire for more days and Israel receives a new list of hostages to be released

They seek to extend the ceasefire for more days and Israel receives a new list of hostages to be released

It contains Sixth day Stop the fire Between Israel and Hamas In Gaza, a new exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners was expected this Wednesday, and there were hopes of extending the ceasefire, with Qatar leading negotiations for a new deal.

Israel said The list of hostages is already available Who in Gaza could be freed later Wednesday. But the names in that list were not published. It is also unknown whether the 10-month-old Argentine baby is in the Kfir group.

The kidnapped child was the youngest hostage along with his 4-year-old brother and his parents.

with his brother They will be the only minors who have not yet been released And her family fears for the health of the baby who only consumes formula milk.

New prisoner exchange On Tuesday, Hamas released 12 hostages, including an Argentine women’s group, and exchanged an additional 30 Palestinian prisoners.

Can the ceasefire be extended?

International mediators sought to extend a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas this Wednesday so that the Islamist movement would release more hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners and more respite from Israeli air and ground strikes in the Gaza Strip.

The ceasefire ends on Wednesday, however Hamas says it is ready to extend it And Israel, happy to free dozens of hostages in recent days and waiting to receive more, says The Palestinian Authority will abide by the ceasefire if it continues to hand over prisoners.

Israeli hostages hug their families. Photo: Reuters

Israel freed 180 Palestinian prisonersWomen and youths, mostly women and youths, have been accused of throwing stones and firebombs during clashes with Israeli forces in the Israeli-occupied West Bank in Palestine.

Hamas must release 10 more Israelis this Wednesday in exchange for 30 more Palestinian prisoners.

Israel said For every 10 hostages released, the ceasefire will be extended by one more day. But that formula could be complicated, because many of the hostages would not be in the hands of Hamas, but rather other radical Palestinian groups inside and outside Gaza, which would not be easy to trace because of the enormous level of destruction in the Strip.

How did the bombing affect Hamas?

Weeks of intense aerial bombardment and ground invasion They razed vast swaths of northern Gaza and killed thousands of Palestinians. But it seems they were Little impact on the Hamas governmentA group Israel vowed to wipe off the face of the earth after the October 7 attack.

Supporters of Palestine are protesting in South Africa.  Photo: David Longari/AFPSupporters of Palestine are protesting in South Africa. Photo: David Longari/AFP

This seems to be proven by Hamas’ ability conducting complex negotiations, Enforcing a ceasefire between other armed groups and arranging for the smooth release of hostages.

The Hamas leadership in Gaza is trusted Sheltered in the south of the enclaveHundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians have moved there from the north, where the Israeli offensive is focused, and mostly under the UN.

If President Joe Biden’s administration resumes attacks on Israel, Work with more precisionAvoid large-scale migration of Palestinians back into Gaza, especially in the south.

That approach is unlikely to bring Hamas to its knees anytime soon, and international pressure for a lasting ceasefire It is already increasing.

William Burns, director of the CIA, and David Barnea, director of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, They were in Qatar on Tuesday To discuss extending the ceasefire and releasing more hostages.

Qatar has played a key role in mediating with Hamas and held talks, which included mediators from Egypt.

United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken is visiting the area this week. It is also expected to push for a longer ceasefire.

In a joint statement, foreign ministers from the G7 group of wealthy nations, which includes Israel’s closest allies, called today for “further extension of the moratorium”. and “Safety of the public and compliance with international law.”

The escalation began with Hamas attacks in southern Israel on October 7, in which militants who infiltrated from Gaza killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and abducted about 240 people, including children, infants, women and soldiers.

Another 21 hostages — 19 Thais, one Filipino and one Russian-Israeli — have been freed in separate negotiations since the ceasefire began.

Before the ceasefire, Hamas released four hostages and the Israeli army rescued another. Two other hostages were found dead in Gaza.

Israel responded with a devastating air campaign across Gaza and the UA land invasion in the north of the territory.

Israel imposed a total blockade of Gaza at the beginning of the war, but under a six-day cease-fire as of Wednesday, it has authorized hundreds of trucks with humanitarian aid to enter the region from Egypt.

Before the Armistice, Only a small amount of assistance was allowed, Amid nationwide power outages, there are widespread shortages of food, water, medicine and fuel for power producers.

On Tuesday, Israel and Hamas blamed each other for what appeared to be no danger to a brief firefight in northern Gaza.

Palestinian militants have stopped firing rockets at Israel. Hezbollah is the Islamic movement of LebanonThere have been almost daily exchanges of fire with Israeli forces along the northern border since the expansion began.

With information from agencies and BBC News