July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

This is how the Wagner group executes Russian soldiers who decide to defect and fight against Putin

This is how the Wagner group executes Russian soldiers who decide to defect and fight against Putin
A mercenary group responding to Putin abducted and murdered Yevgeny Nugin and released gruesome images.

“Mazo has a close relationship with traitors Wagner group”, the Telegram channel promises The gray zone joined with Russian mercenaries Next Chilling images of Evgeny Nuji’s execution.

In the video, the Russian soldier is seen with his head tied to a large stone and his executioners beat him with a stick to hang him on the spot.

Wagner fell into the hands of the group’s illegal army who hanged him for treason. Later, he posted the pictures as a shocking warning if anyone decides to quit.

According to the portal Nexta, captured by Ukrainian forces a few months ago. In terrible conditions – lack of food and weapons – he was sent to fight in Moscow, but there he expressed his desire to fight Putin.

Where it fell into the hands of the mercenaries is yet to happen. There are versions that indicate that he arrived on Russian territory as part of a prisoner exchange last Friday and that he was quickly identified by the Kremlin’s underground army, but there are also sources that indicate that he was captured in the occupied territories.

The circulation of the pictures caused a stir in the world, at first their authenticity was doubted, however, the head of the paramilitary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin confirmed the execution with a grim comment: “In this show, how this man did not find happiness in Ukraine, but ruthless but fair people,” he declared through his press officers.

“It’s an amazing movement and you can watch it at once. I’m sure no animal was harmed in the filming,” he said with grim irony.

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The brutal images also indicate that Nuzhi’s fate will be that of many POWs. For Putin’s mercenaries, anyone who falls into the hands of a Ukrainian becomes a potential enemy, and gruesome images are deliberately disseminated to instill terror in their ranks, highly motivated by failure and lack of support. So, this gruesome killing is a warning to all Russian soldiers.

The hanged man was not a career soldier, but a special recruit for the invasion of Ukraine.

Wagner Group, led by mercenaries Evgeny Prigogine, A businessman from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s circle is looking for recruits across the country to take them to fight on Ukrainian territory. Months ago actually Prigogine He personally toured various Russian prisons for recruitment 1,000 convicts Fight for Moscow.

Prigozhin’s recruitment in a Russian prison

Militants are not registered as a legal entity anywhere in the world. Observers say its clandestine presence allows Russia to downplay its battlefield casualties and distance itself from the atrocities committed by Wagner’s fighters. Investigators for the United Nations and rights groups say Wagner elements have attacked civilians, carried out mass executions and looted private property in conflict zones.

Prigogine, a Russian oligarch Nicknamed “Putin’s Chef” Because of his catering businesses, he admitted for the first time in September that he founded the Wagner group in 2014 to fight in Ukraine and admitted his existence. Africa, Middle East and Latin America.

Yevgeny Prigogine with Vladimir Putin
Yevgeny Prigogine with Vladimir Putin

Since their creation, the mercenaries have been accused of serving the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime in various conflict zones from Syria to Ukraine, through Africa and South America. In recent months, the group has been active on the Ukrainian front in support of the Russian military.

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The accused, 61-year-old Prigozhin, has an FBI arrest warrant It sought to influence US elections between 2014 and 2018 by manipulating various social media channels through its internet research firm.Also known as the “Troll Factory” in St. Petersburg.

The 61-year-old, once a shadowy figure, is becoming an increasingly public figure and analysts say he is considering a case. Political role.

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