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Today's Anniversary: ​​Happened on February 27 | Events in Argentina and around the world

Today's Anniversary: ​​Happened on February 27 |  Events in Argentina and around the world

In On 27th February These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1812. Flag Hoisting

In Rosario, Manuel Belgrano raised the blue and white flag for the first time. Reportedly, a woman named María Catalina Echevarría de Vidal from Rosario was responsible for its preparation. The rising took place against the designs of the Triumvirate, which expressed its displeasure. Belgrano replied: “I will be quiet enough to raise it during the great success of our arms.”. In September 1812, it would have its first major victory at the Battle of Tucuman. The flag was adopted as the emblem of the Northern Army, and not of the United States, by the XIII Year Legislature.

1931. Graciela Fernandez Meijide is born

Graciela Fernández Meijide was born. His son Pablo disappeared during the dictatorship. He was part of Konadep. In the 90s he joined Frente Grande. He was elected as a national representative in 1993 and reached the Senate two years later. Once the coalition was formed, he headed the list of representatives in the province of Buenos Aires and defeated Chiche Duhalte. He lost the governorship in 1999 to Carlos Ruckoff. He was Fernando de la Rua's Minister of Social Development until March 2001..

1933. The Reichstag Fire

A month after Adolf Hitler's rise to power, the German parliament burns. As a result, the new chancellor asks President Paul von Hindenburg for a decree suspending civil liberties to fight communism. The Nazis blamed the leftists for the fire and arrested a young Dutch mason named Marinus van der Lubbe, a communist militant found at the scene.. Hindenburg relents and the Nazi totalitarian state begins to take shape. Van der Lubbe was guillotined in 1934. Decades later, he would be exonerated by German justice. The authorship of fire is a controversial topic.

1974. Navarraso

Antonio Navarro, head of the Córdoba police, rebels against Governor Ricardo Obregon Cano and deposes him.. The rebellion occurred when the provincial president was preparing to depose Navarro. Police officers arrested Obregon Cano and his deputy, Attilio Lopez. The National Government of Juan Domingo Perón confirms the coup and rules out federal intervention in Córdoba..

1989. The Caracaso

Caracas explodes. The government of Carlos Andrés Pérez, who took office recently, announced strong increases in fuel and public transport, while Venezuela has not experienced a boom in the petrodollar, amid a severe economic crisis. Protests form in Caracas and repression begins. The riots continue till March 8. Officially, nearly 300 deaths have been recognized, but outside authorities speak of 3,000 deaths..

1999. Charlie Garcia performed in front of 200,000 people

About 200,000 people gather in Puerto Madero to hear Charlie Garcia In a free concert of unprecedented invitation. The musician performs within the framework of the Buenos Aires Vivo 3 cycle Sing a song with the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo.

2015. Julio Stracera passed away

Julio César Strassera died at the age of 81. He was a prosecutor in the 1985 historical trial of the military rulers. Whose argument is a memorable piece. Raúl Alphonsín appointed him Argentina's ambassador to the UN Human Rights Commission two years later. He resigned in 1989, rejecting the pardon offered by Carlos Menem.. Later, he was the lawyer of Anibal Ibarra in the political trial that prosecuted the then head of government for the Cromanon tragedy.

2018. Luciano Menendez died

Luciano Benjamin Menendez, one of the terror state's most famous names, has died at the age of 90.. He was commander of the army's Third Corps, from where he spread repression from Córdoba to the northern provinces. Leader of the independence movement, he founded one of the dictatorship's largest secret detention centers in Córdoba: La Perla.. He retired in 1979, after a failed coup against Jorge Rafael Videla. Carlos Menem's pardon halted judicial proceedings against him in Democracy. In 2008, he received the first life sentence. At the time of his death, he was sentenced to thirteen life sentences, an amount unparalleled in Argentine criminal history..

2020. Brian Toledo's fatal accident

Athlete Brian Toledo dies in motorcycle accident He is 26 years old. He won a gold medal in javelin at the 2010 I Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. A year later he won a bronze medal at the Pan American Games in Guadalajara. He finished second at the World Junior Championships in Barcelona in 2012. He participated in the 2012 London and 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics..

Also, this World NGO Day, at the request of the United Nations Development Programme; And this International Polar Bear Day.

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