March 28, 2025

Brighton Journal

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Alberto Romers, a successful businessman who knew how to lead one of the country’s most important pharmaceutical companies, has died.

Alberto Romers, a successful businessman who knew how to lead one of the country’s most important pharmaceutical companies, has died.
His company developed famous drugs like Lotrial, Optamox, Amoxidal, Sertal Compuesto and Losacor.
His company developed famous drugs like Lotrial, Optamox, Amoxidal, Sertal Compuesto and Losacor.

After many years as one of the most important and prestigious pharmaceutical companies in Argentina, Businessman Alberto Romers has died at the age of 95. Thanks to his work as president of Laboratorios Roemmers, the company was able to expand internationally with plants in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Further, Five of the top 10 best-selling drugs in the country are manufactured at its headquarters, positioning its products as one of the best in the local market..

His company developed famous drugs like Lotrial, Optamox, Amoxidal, Sertal Compuesto and Losacor., among others. This is due to five plants that distribute between the capital and Greater Buenos Aires. The company manufactures a wide range of medicines and excels in cardiology, paediatrics, clinical medicine, geriatrics and surgery. Its factory alone reaches a production capacity of 85 million units per annum.

Thanks to the leadership of Alberto Roemmers, the company was able to establish roots in various countries and continue the international expansion that began in the 1960s, maintaining it as one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the region, despite distancing itself from other active companies. With his name in Latin America.

Thanks to his work as president of Laboratorios Roemmers, the company was able to expand internationally with plants in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.
Thanks to his work as president of Laboratorios Roemmers, the company was able to expand internationally with plants in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.

Several months ago, in April, Alberto Romers sold his 50% stake in Mega Pharma, a Uruguay-based laboratory that focused operations of the Romers brand outside of Argentina.

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As a result of years of hard work, Alberto Romers became one of the richest Argentines in the country. This is evidenced by the fact that the company monopolized more than 13% of the drugs in the local market. As of 2021, the now-deceased businessman was one of the top 5 richest Argentines in the country with a net worth of US$2,200 million.

In this way, Alberto Rommers was inspired by his father Don Alberto J. Romers knew how to run the company he created in 1921, when he left his native Germany to settle in Argentina. After contributing German technology and laying the foundation for the pharmaceutical industry, the company became a pioneering center in the Southern Hemisphere.

Alberto Romers became one of the richest Argentines in the country
Alberto Romers became one of the richest Argentines in the country

As a sign of respect and affection, both Alberto Romers created a foundation in his memory, as did his mother and brothers. It aims to promote the advancement of health sciences at all levels and support research in the field of medicine. In addition, since 1979, it has provided grants in the form of direct financial assistance to projects offered by working groups from universities, institutes and academies.

Alberto J. Romers Foundation conducts its main events, conferences, symposia and conferences on medical issues with exhibitors from the country and abroad. It conducts seminars and refresher courses for nurses in the city of Buenos Aires and in the interior of the country. As a strategy to disseminate the findings of various experts, it publishes research results in specialized national and international journals.

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For these works he received various distinctions: Fundación del Quemato Dr. Fortunado Benaim (1999), Rotary Club of Buenos Aires (1995), Luis Federico Leloir Biochemical Research Institute (1991), Argentine Society of Pediatrics (1991) and Retorta Gold Award of the Campomar Foundation (PK) (1980).

Alberto Romers with his son Alejandro Romers
Alberto Romers with his son Alejandro Romers

Your role as a father

At the latest edition of the Buenos Aires Book Fair, The Nobel Prize for Literature was shared with Mario Vargas Llosa by his son Alejandro Romers.His third novel Download as needed. In it, the heir to a similar pharmaceutical empire recounted some of his father’s speeches and advice. According to Alejandro, his father used to tell him that if he wanted to continue the familiar lifestyle, he would never be able to live by the books. Alejandro followed the advice and entered the business world, he did not intend to live off his literary sales: he always donated the royalties from his books to various non-governmental organizations such as Little Wish or UNICEF.

Alberto Romers and his children developed a keen interest in sailing, which is why they formed a team that competed globally.
Alberto Romers and his children developed a keen interest in sailing, which is why they formed a team that competed globally.

Your sports passion

Outside of numbers, drugs and company, Alberto Romers and his children developed a passion for sailing, which is why they created a team that competed globally. TP52 ‘Azzurra’ is the late businessman’s yacht operated by his sons Alberto Jr. and Pablo, with a crew chief and captain of the caliber of Guillermo Barada.

‘Azzurra dominated the TP52 circuit for ten seasons, four editions: 2012, 2015, 2017 and 2019 and won the TP52 World Championship in 2012 (as ‘Matador’) and in 2015.

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