October 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Argentina isolates itself in the OAS because of its objections to the human rights, security and gender agenda that the General Assembly is debating in Asuncion.

Argentina isolates itself in the OAS because of its objections to the human rights, security and gender agenda that the General Assembly is debating in Asuncion.

(From Washington, USA) on October 8, 2023, before running Javier M Progress: “We’re not going to stick to the 2030 agenda, we’re not going to stick to cultural Marxism, decadence.” Eight months later, Miley had already assumed the presidency He ordered the principal That Argentina must resist or reject All multilateral programs reflect that Agenda for Sustainable Development Approved by 193 countries At the United Nations (UN).

The 17 Objectives Sustainable Agenda: Ending Poverty; Zero hunger; Health & Wellness; quality education; Equality of men and women; clean water and sanitation; sustainable and non-polluting energy; Decent work and economic growth; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Reducing Inequality; sustainable cities and communities; responsible production and consumption; Climate action; Submarine Life; Life in terrestrial ecosystems; Alliances to achieve peace, justice and solid institutions and goals.

All member states of the OAS—including Argentina— In 2015 he voted in favor of the 2030 Agenda approved by the United Nations. Change in this condition Surprise In the regional forum, and caused Discomfort Among the representatives who worked for months to adopt the initiatives open to the legislature of Asuncion.

President to protect Independence, Decentralization and Democracy. But your position Stubborn The 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda challenged his own perspective on the world and things. By rejecting the 2030 Agenda, by his own instruction at the OAS, he put the country in a very awkward diplomatic situation.

Argentina will represent the general position coming to the OAS General Assembly Question all basic issues will be discussed at the regional forum summit. This has never happened in 40 years of democracy. A practical case An impossible coexistence Between theory and realpolitik.

President Joe Biden and Pope Francis when they met at the G7. Both leaders support the 2030 Agenda approved at the UN

Millet’s principle Linked to the rejection of the 2030 Agenda First time applied Last week at the Permanent Council Organization of American States (OAS).), which met in Washington to consider draft resolutions General Assembly Approval will be given at the end of the month assumption.

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Sonia Cavallo, Ambassador of Argentina to the OAS, All opposed The draft resolutions specify human rights, Hemispheric Defense, Strengthening Democracy, The Haiti Crisis and necessary Equality of men and women In Global Diplomacy.

Instructions received by Cavallo They stand in line With the ideological thinking of the President. Miley is true to her thoughts And prefers to leave its political judgment on the 2030 Agenda in all diplomatic areas.

A political instruction to the Argentine ambassador unexpectedly changed positions Frank Mora, the representative of the United States to the OAS. Then a diplomatic incident happened Cavallo objected. A paragraph A resolution in favor of Haiti, Supported by White House and support Consensus By the organization of American states.

The paragraph (sic) objected to by Argentina states: “Improve the multidimensional security situation, address humanitarian crises, protect and guarantee human rights and Addressing all forms of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence; “They are essential requirements for preparations for free and fair elections in Haiti.”

Mora quoted Argentina and asked him to speak defended the opinion Cavallo countered that he was instructed to “address all forms of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence.” from Pink house.

U.S. Ambassador Frank Mora supports reference to sex abuse in Haiti, which Argentina objected to.

After Mora’s general post, consul emphasized with the instructions he received from the Casa Rosada and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The political debate on Haiti could only be resolved at the Asuncion summit.

Ambassador Cavallo reiterates Argentina’s position on the OAS plan for Haiti

Argentina and the United States are strategic allies: they agree to support the state of Israel against Hamas and Iran, defend Ukraine against Russia, guarantee continental security, and stop Chinese aggression in Latin America. But Miley’s position on the 2030 Agenda This created a rift in the unique dialogue between the two countries.

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From this conceptual perspective, Miley feels very comfortable with Donald Trump than Joe Biden, who supports the 2030 Agenda and is in conflict with the Republican nominee. Dream of returning to the White House.

The Argentine delegation’s objections did not end with the initiative attached to Haiti. They “made progress on the draft resolution Enhancing Hemispheric Defense: A multidimensional approach.

In this case, according to the received text InfobayGovernment Questions (ad poll, (in OAS jargon) several:

“Argentina’s representatives hold a public referendum Paragraphs 7, 25.a, 37, 39, 69.a, 124 And Titled “Security Implications of Climate Change”.

These objections are respected Essential concepts of Millet’s principle About 2030 Agenda. It is a direct rejection of the concept of gender equality and climate change Module support All member countries of the OAS.

“Reaffirm the importance of promoting participation in all efforts to promote peace and security, and the need to increase their role in decision-making at all levels regarding conflict prevention, management and resolution, and Integrating a gender perspective, All policies, programs, and processes of all U.S. interagency organizations, institutions, organizations, conventions, and processes dealing with hemispheric security issues. (Adopted, ad hoc referendum of the Argentine delegation), Supports the challenged Paragraph 7 of the Hemispheric Defense Promotion Plan.

Paragraph 25.A -Also noted- designates the area as a zone free of antipersonnel mines:

“Continue to strengthen implementation capacity and support to Member States in the elimination of anti-personnel mines, including technical support to national mining authorities, mine risk education training, comprehensive assistance and economic reintegration for mine survivors and their families, as well as reclamation of mined areas. This support is emphasized to include a racial and gender perspective; and ((agreed to an ad hoc referendum by the Argentine delegation).

Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS during the Global Peace Summit hosted by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Switzerland

One of the basic initiatives that the OAS is discussing in Paraguay is the “Draft Omnibus Resolution Promotion and Protection of Human Rights”. Organization of American States, Human Rights They are an essential pillar Its history and its institutional role in the region.

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“I strongly condemn any act that directly or indirectly arbitrarily obstructs or obstructs any action. Human rights defenders in the United States, including security guards environmentas well as reprisals, violence and criminalization of their work, harassment, intimidation, attacks, torture, enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention and imprisonment, killings and all other forms of human rights abuse by state or non-state agents, among others, “A The main thing of the project.

This effort to protect human rights in Latin America was resisted Its entirety to Argentina.

Sonia Cavallo explains Argentina’s position before the Permanent Council of the OAS

The OAS Permanent Council discussed two initiatives aimed at protecting human rights and guaranteeing democratic transition in Haiti. Strengthening Democracy Already Equality of men and women In diplomacy.

They are plans They made a bet To prevent the survival of authoritarian regimes and to reach End misogyny in foreign policy.

Argentina also objected.