March 21, 2025

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Brazil 2022 Elections: Lula and Bolsonaro in Tough Last Debate | Keys to second round passing times

Brazil 2022 Elections: Lula and Bolsonaro in Tough Last Debate |  Keys to second round passing times

From Sao Paulo

William Bonner, the most famous male face of the news in Brazil, unveiled Debate between Jair Bolsonaro and Lula da Silva With punctuality. It was an hour earlier compared to the first round. There were more candidates on September 29 and it lasted until dawn. This time it ended at twelve o’clock. The President won the right to speak first through a lottery. He was wearing a dark suit and a blue tie. He walked from the lectern and took center stage, where he occupied the entire first session. He moved in circles while shooting his noble spears at his opponent. If there’s an adjective he misuses, it’s “liar.” In the absence of convincing arguments, he repeated it. He basically rode on issues of the economy like the minimum wage and unemployment Family bag PT Govts. Lula responded to his diatribes one by one. He was wearing a red tie and a blue suit.

“I came to talk to the people of Brazil. This man didn’t raise the minimum wage or pay for school lunches. It’s true”The former president responded. Lula came and went from her assigned spot on the stage, responded and retraced her steps, avoiding close contact with Bolsonaro. In a previous debate organized by TV Bandeirantes, TV Cultura and Folha de San PabloThe soldier grabbed him by the shoulder. “Fiça aqui Lula”, he demanded haughtily (“Stay here Lula”).

The extreme right emphasized economics, on which he felt strongly. Releasing data on tax cuts, he said, “We have reached 4,000 products from which we have deducted 35 percent of IPI (tax on industrial products).”

6,498 lies

Every question turned against Bolsonaro to corner Lula. When the president demonstrated his increase in the minimum wage, Lula told him he had only equalized the rate of inflation. The first obstacle to the economy proposed by the far-right includes a devastating statistic for his re-election aspirations: “During your tenure you lied 6,498 times and we got sixty rights in return during the election campaign,” the former president reprimanded him. Based on media research.

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Bolsonaro used the evidence to victimize himself and hit back at the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE): “The system is against me, the big TV networks, here’s one (referring to Globo which played locally), the Federal Supreme Court (STF) gave you all the complaints and is going to try me” . Electively, the head of state introduced a court headed by his other opponent, Alexandre de Moraes, into the debate. A follower of Lula on his list of favorite targets.

The Bible against Bolsonaro

Lula at one point chose a biblical phrase to fend off Bolsonaro’s attacks: “Father, forgive the ignorant, for they know not what they do,” he said. As the president delves into foreign policy issues, he begins to slide. Almost a classic The military man again referred to Cuba, Venezuela and Argentina – a kind of “axis of evil” – in which he chose to position himself in international relations. “The Cubans have diplomatic relations all over Latin America, and nobody wants to get you,” Lula reminded him.

When religion entered the discussion, the military accused his rival of being an “abortionist” and “having no respect for human life.” Lula denied the idea, saying she was against pregnancy. Also, when Bolsonaro chose the federal constitution as his subject, he recalled that he lived under the threat of the STF.

The President was also slammed in the section where the PT leader proposed health as the axis of discussion. “If he had followed the recommendations of experts in fighting the epidemic, at least 200,000 deaths would have been avoided, and if the president had followed the established rules…” he knew they would be alive today.

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Dialectical violence

All the signals the president gave on the campaign trail pointed in the same direction. He aims to delegitimize the elections as he wields weapons with his right hand. The same national election where he stands as the head of a state he controls with the support of the armed forces. A protected and balanced democracy in which God, not God, is above all – as he repeatedly chants – but rather, a providential man who believes that he is guided by a divine power.

The far-right politician threatened to boycott the result of the vote. One of his sons, Eduardo Bolsonarowould have been behind maneuver to postpone the second round Because her father is still below Lula in all the polls. He suggested that the military should be arbiters of the ballot. He rallied his supporters to take over the headquarters of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE). All his approaches were those of an unauthorized student in civic education.

If today’s average Bolsonaro voter is less tolerant of an opponent, it’s because his leader is spreading suspicions of fraud, he has an enemy in front of him, not a situational political rival. So far, São Paulo has never experienced such overcrowding in the streets. Just fights. As he did at the end of the first round, Lula ends his campaign today with another walk. It won’t be the corner of Paulista and Augusta avenues. Call runs a few blocks in the direction of the Art Museum. The popular MASP is the epicenter of major parades in this country of a state within a state. Because 47 million people live in São Paulo. There are 12 in the capital, around 22 in the metropolitan area and the rest are completed by other cities of this state giant. Almost all Argentinians.

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