July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Corruption of unflyable planes | Five aircraft were purchased by Mauricio Macri’s government

Corruption of unflyable planes |  Five aircraft were purchased by Mauricio Macri’s government

Five super advanced aircraft purchased by Govt Maurizio MacriFor 12.5 million euros, They will never, never fly. The Ministry of National Defense has asked France to take steps to provide evacuation seats and other key parts of the equipment. But a letter from engineer Gael Diaz de Dousta, head of the French Ministry of Defense’s International Arms Development Directorate, It says in words: “We were asked to try to find a solution so that the planes could fly. Unfortunately, after evaluating all possibilities, I can inform you that the objective could not be achieved. Macri bought the Super Etendards on the basis that they would be used during an attack during the G-20 summit at the end of 2018, but they never took off, or they never could.


An acquisition is like a contract, and today it is being investigated The Nation’s General Syndicate, the Prosecutor’s Office for Administrative Investigations and the Anti-Corruption Office. It was clear that the devices were not going to be available for the 2018 meeting, among other things they had not flown for a long time, but, after all, the missing device – decisive for the ejection seat – originated in Great Britain. , which, of course, he had -as usual- vetoed the provision of any war material.

In recent times, Macrismo has spread the version that the flights were not put under conditions by the government Alberto Fernandez Not providing the required budget. An official letter from the French Defense Ministry said the meeting took place in Paris between the ministers George Diana and his French counterpart, Sebastien Lecornu, to find a solution that would allow the Super Etendard to fly. On March 17, the Ministry of the Armed Forces (which is the official name) addressed Argentina. Target not achieved.

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“UK restrictions on exports to Argentina prevent us from getting spare parts for the ejection seats. But, in addition, as our Navy chief pointed out in 2016, we have lost much of the capacity needed to operate these ships. In other words, already in 2016, during the Macri government, the French warned that the planes in question were deprogrammed. so, Even then they don’t have the manpower to handle these devices. In short, while Macri and his Minister of Defense Oscar Agued They paid 12,500,000 Euros for the Super-Edenders, which they already knew were never going to fly, let alone be used at the G-20 summit.

One more than the odd purchase

It has been revealed that Page 12 In March 2022, an internal investigation by the Ministry of Defense concluded with a damning audit which stated that the Super-Edentards were known to be non-flyable devices and were then procured to fit them with the necessary spare parts. And power, to use them, so yes, in the air. The flights arrived in May 2019 Already at that time there were reports that it was very difficult or impossible to get spare parts from the Navy.

Buying the Super Etendard was strange no matter how you look at it. The action was signed by the Chief of Staff. Marcos PenaAnd Minister Aguad, the then Minister of Economy provided the funds. Nicolas Dujovene. Before the purchase was finalised, there was a consultative exchange of WhatsApp messages, which showed the pressure to have the surgery done. Since the purchase in December 2017, it is clear that the planes are not going to go to the G-20: it is impossible to buy spare parts, come to the country, put them and put them into operation. Test and training flights in just 11 months. But that didn’t happen: The flights only arrived in May 2018, and of course, they haven’t taken off yet.

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US demand

For the G-20 summit, the US frequently makes security demands. For example, in 2005, under Nestor Kirchner, there was pressure from Washington to place an aircraft carrier at Mar del Plata. That permission was denied. The Kirchner administration kept Mirage and A4 aircraft at Dantil, but did not allow any other foreign presence. There was always a rumor that the US decided to use the Santiago de Chile airport as a base and established an aircraft carrier outside the Argentine continental shelf. In 2018, Washington fully managed the defense: it stationed planes in Ezeiza, El Palomar, Mendoza and Uruguay.

Everything is slow

With the evidence in view, one of the following options was sung:

* Breach of duty by a public officer, because aircraft already known to not fly in time for the G-20 were purchased. In other words, there was inefficiency and inefficiency at great cost to the government.

* Fraud against GovtWhen it comes to such blatant manipulations, it shows the motive and causes huge loss to the public exchequer.

* Bribery, what appears to have happened: a bribe was charged for the operation. In other words, the officers who acted had a commission.

Surprisingly, the controlled organisms did not end the reign and were not criminally charged accordingly. At the Defense Ministry, they are awaiting comments from the nation’s General Syndicate, the Anti-Corruption Office and the Office of the Attorney General. It would be six years since the purchase, and if one takes into account Commodore Pi’s rhythm in lawsuits against Macrismo, another ten years could go by without anyone being convicted in a libel action. It doesn’t matter where you look.

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