March 14, 2025

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

David Choquehuanca: “Turbines of the old system are turned off” | Bolivia’s Vice President warns that “our uncle is going to face a global catastrophe.”

David Choquehuanca: “Turbines of the old system are turned off” |  Bolivia’s Vice President warns that “our uncle is going to face a global catastrophe.”

With the assurance that we are facing an important moment globally, David Chokhuwanga Losing fear calls for questioning everything. The Vice President of Bolivia has warned “The capitalist Western development model led us to disaster” That is why youth-led renewal is urgent. When he went to Buenos Aires to celebrate the New Year 5530 of the Andean, Amazonian and Sagweno, Chokhuanga received Page 12 And he calls on people to be vigilant because “our uncle is going to face a global catastrophe.”

Chokhuwanga was born on May 7, 1961, in the Aymara community of Kota Kota Baja, a province of La Paz. He has been Vice President of Bolivia since November 8, 2020. Previously, he was Bolivia’s foreign minister between 2006 and 2017, during the three governments of Evo Morales. It was during those years that he proposed turning the legislature clockwise as a sign of decolonization. “If we do not want to violate the laws of nature, our clock must also go south.”.

– Are you satisfied Former President Jeanine Anes sentenced to 10 years in prison?

– It’s not about being satisfied with a sentence, it’s about being done justice. Look, our democracy has been interrupted for 40 years, and in 2019 we experienced a year of terrorism, frustration, repression, and human rights abuses. The massacre took place. Everyone knows this. We have promised justice in our campaign. The only thing we are looking for is who administers justice, not the executive or the legislature. Justice is an independent force who have to accept their responsibility to the people and the victims.

– You said a month ago that the Bolivian people are tired of the leaders who will be in power forever. What exactly is he referring to?

– The world must renew itself. There is global chaos. There is uncertainty, there is confusion. We need changes, a revolution of thoughts. And who should the protagonists be? Young people, they are the ones who should awaken their creativity and not wait for the old people to tell them what to do. These young people must have the ability to read their reality, and what we need to do is provide these young people with the tools to arouse their rebellion. There is a dearth of leaders in the world, and we as revolutionaries want change. We are the seeds. We need to sow. If the potatoes are not planted and not renewed, the potatoes will disappear.

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– Over the weekend he met with President Louis Ars and former President Evo Morales, during which time the media in his country talked a lot about internal differences.

– It is good to have differences. Will not grow unless it contradicts science! We are in the process of government, the political organization in the process of government is the MAS-IPSP, whose leader is Evo Morales. Our Executive Chairman is Brother Louis Ars and I am the Vice President. And we are the government of organizations. This is not the first or last time we meet in these meetings. We are actors, we can do a lot for our people, all issues need to be discussed.

– Recently, when you went to Spain, you said that democracy from a Western perspective “destroyed itself”. Should we go to a higher example?

– You have nothing to fear. The culture of fear and hatred comes with colonialism. We have our own organization where submission to anyone is not accepted. In a democracy, minorities are subordinate to the majority. There is a saying subdue, subjugating a neighbor is not good, just as stealing does not live well, lying does not live well. And we want to live well, seek reconciliation. Our struggle is not only against human beings, but also against enslavement to our mother earth. We need to question words like democracy, not repeat them like parrots. Why not explain ourselves from our place? It’s time to question everything. We allowed ourselves to be imposed until we reached growth.

– How to change the shape of this development?

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– It is better that we make consensus decisions. What I want is not consensus, sister is not consensus, consensus is not what the neighbor wants, consensus is not what the person below wants. What we all want is consensus. Knowing how to find the center, axis, and the taypi. Knowing how to find the axis that sets a community, a community, an organization in motion. We need to be on the move. There must be a process of self-intervention. There must be a revolution of ideas. The turbines of the old system are being shut down, and this model of capitalist Western development has led us to disaster.

– In connection with his proposal, he proposed to change the direction of the clock hands located in the Congress building during his presidency. What was the basis for making that decision?

– The equator divides the planet into south and north. We are in the south. In the south the shadow turns this way, and in the north it turns the other way. Sailors know this: they change their direction when they cross the equator. And since we are in the south and do not want to violate the laws of nature, our clock should also work towards the south. Many things have brought us from the North. At Christmas we put our little trees in the snow as if we were in the north. Santa Claus has even brought us. But the kids in Bolivia say Santa’s not ours and they do not let him into the house, that’s why he wants to jump down the chimney! (Laughs) We have Echo, which is the energy to live in abundance and well. We have our own economic types, but they are not taught in universities. Europe did not bring us civilization, it brought barbarism. That is why we are talking about decolonization in Bolivia. We have to be back because we are no longer there. We are from the south!

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– What feelings did it create? Gustavo Pedro’s victory in Colombia And what does this mean for the region?

– We were all happy. Some of us celebrate more than Colombians. We hope things will change in Colombia. Pedro has the recognition by vote to overcome all the evils experienced by the Colombian people. But this decision is also a strength for our region. We want our sovereignty to be respected. We want to determine for ourselves, not the extraterrestrial forces. We need to build integration. If we go to other multidimensional spaces alone, we will not be able to express our opinions. But if we go together and sit down equally, for example with the European Union, they will not only listen to us, they will respect us too.

– What balance do you create in the end Summit of the United States? Bolivia was one of the few countries that refused to attend Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

– America’s summit like OAS is in crisis. Ask our young people, they are no longer interested. The fact is that we do not all have to think the same way. Where two people think alike, one says not thinking. No country, no matter how developed, has the capacity to deal with global problems alone. We need each other. We need to discuss how to prevent wealth from accumulating in the hands of a few. Let them know that our uncle is going to face a world catastrophe. When this global catastrophe occurs, we all leave the poor and the rich.