October 25, 2024

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Fire “not extinguishable” in Tenerife: It is complicated in the north and forces new evacuations

Fire “not extinguishable” in Tenerife: It is complicated in the north and forces new evacuations
A view of the forest fire affecting the island of Tenerife from the municipality of La Victoria. EFE/Alberto Valdes

The Tenerife wildfire “does not have the ability to be extinguished”, it presents the characteristics of a sixth generation fire and weather and orographic conditions make it difficult for the media to fight it, says Pedro Martinez, technical director of the destruction mission. When the fire appeared to be slowing its progress, complications arose in the north of the island, forcing new evacuations of people in the municipalities of La Orotava, La Matanza and La Victoria.

The fire, which started last Tuesday, is still out of control and spreading across the island. Already 5,000 hectares of land has been destroyed The flames, with a radius of 50 kilometers, affect two new municipalities as of this Friday: La Matanza and Guimar, so ten cities have already been affected by the fire, resulting in an increase in the number of people evacuated, which already exceeds 4,500.

By municipalities, Arafo, where the incident started, has 44% of the fire’s impact; 35% candles; Santa Ursula 20%; Ascentejo’s success rate is 15%; 13% rosary; El Chausal 7%; La Orotava 5%; 4% homicide; and Tacoronte 1%, it is still pending to know what is the impact of Güímar. The lead of Santa Úrsula is one of the most controversial, where Embedded in valleys of fire And it is expected to go to the more flame-resistant area of ​​Monteverde. At La Orotava, the fire is making slow progress up a very steep slope.

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The president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, explained at a press conference that although the fire was not yet under control, it was spreading as planned. Unfortunately, the weather forecast for this Saturday continues Prevents destructionAn increase in temperature, low humidity and winds of up to 50 kilometers per hour are expected, similar to the forecast for next Sunday.

This may interest you: Fire in Tenerife, in pictures

The fire has been getting stronger since last Tuesday Preventive evacuation of a total of 4,509 residents And the incarceration of 3,820 people, despite the decision to lift the incarceration in La Esperanza in the last few hours, only some 1,671 residents will continue to be incarcerated. For its part, there are about 113 people in shelters.

🔴 From 1:00 pm onwards, 4 teams #EIRIF They are working in Agumansa region. They consolidate the perimeter in the area near the recreational area of ​​La Caldera and begin a control maneuver in the direction of the Valle de la Orotava summit. pic.twitter.com/N7E8GDgemc

– EIRIF (@EIRIFGobCan) August 18, 2023

This Friday, in a fire-affected area near the town of La Orotava, a break was discovered in the Aguamanza Canal, which supplies water to the north of the island, preventing the access of technicians to carry out the necessary repairs. Hydraulic infrastructure. In this regard, Cabildo’s leader Rosa Davila has indicated that it will cause defeat Planned cuts in the supply of many municipalities and in some nuclei of the cities of La Laguna and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

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Davyla hopes firefighters will be able to reach the canal tomorrow and has called for more judicious consumption of water until the fault is resolved. For his part, Clavijo has pointed it out It is concerned with providing basic services As for electricity, in principle, both Red Electrica and Endesa have promised that there will be no supply problems.

A firefighting helicopter flies over Agumansa, while a wildfire rages out of control on the island of Tenerife. Borja Suarez/

About 226 troops were deployed by ground last night, with another 100 to be added on security grounds and 40 on logistics grounds. Likewise, seaplanes have carried out 81 water evacuations. Today there will be 265 troops on ground fighting and 19 air resources fighting the flames: 17 intervention and two coordination.

Nearly 500 members of the General State Administration, including members of the Military Emergency Unit (UME), BRIF and members of the Civil Guard, are also on the ground. Members of the National Police also provide support work in their area of ​​expertise. Clavijo has given special importance Great job so far. “The hours are piling up, the fatigue…and people are constantly giving their all,” he stressed.

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