October 25, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Bolsonaro cornered for selling jewelry | His assistant Mauro Cid will confess the facts before the Brazilian judge

Bolsonaro cornered for selling jewelry |  His assistant Mauro Cid will confess the facts before the Brazilian judge

Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro on Friday denied ordering his aide, Lt. Col. Mauro Cid, to sell jewelry he received as a gift. During official visits as Head of State.

“I didn’t send anyone to sell anything,” Bolsonaro said in statements to the press, insisting that Cid, who has been in pre-trial detention since May, has the autonomy to make his decisions. He tried to defend himself by saying that a decree, in effect until 2021, would allow heads of state to receive appropriate jewelry such as watches or necklaces received as gifts.

Expose the truth

A far-right leader He made these statements after Cid’s lawyer, Cezar Bitencourt, told several media outlets that his client was preparing to plead guilty to selling the jewels at the behest of the former president.. The case refers to a large collection of valuables given to a retired army captain on official trips to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, which he was supposed to hand over to state heritage when he left power. According to investigations, Bolsonaro sold some of these gifts through middlemen, although his collaborators would have repurchased them if they demanded their return.

The aide-de-camp’s confession could further complicate the already delicate legal situation of Bolsonaro, who is being investigated in several civil and criminal cases. All these are also compatible A recent testimony by a hacker At a parliamentary commission investigating riots earlier in the year, he accused the far-right of seeking his services to try to hijack electronic voting systems.

Bank accounts

Judge of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Alexandre de Moraes on Thursday authorized police to declassify the banking and tax secrets of the former president and his wife, Michelle Bolsonaro.. The ruling was in response to a request by the Federal Police (PF) to investigate the duo’s accounts for suspicious transactions and find out if the proceeds from the sale of the jewelery went to the former head of state. The magistrate also gave the green light to request the US to declassify bank accounts held in that country.

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In recent statements to the press, Bolsonaro said he was not worried about the court order, but admitted it was a decision that bothered him. His wife Michelle condemned it “This gimmicky, media-fueled political harassment is aimed at tarnishing my family’s name and trying to get me to give up. It’s clear they won’t succeed.” He also said that he didn’t need to clear his bank secrecy, and that he would just have to ask him because “people who owe nothing fear nothing.”

New prisoners

The Federal Police and the Brazilian Prosecutor’s Office this Friday launched an action against the leadership of the Military Police of the Federal District. Half a dozen searches and seven arrests for complicity in the coup attempt last January 8. Among them were the Commander General of the Military Police, Col. Kleptor Rosa Gonçalves and the former commander, Col. Fabio Augusto Vieira.

The prosecutor’s office issued a statement confirming that the prisoners had shirked their duties during the invasion, which depended on the national government to take over the security of ministries, Planaldo Palace, Congress and the Esplanade. Federal Supreme Court.

The investigation found “deep ideological contamination” among officials The military police and police chiefs of the Federal District stuck Bolsonaro with “conspiracy theories about electoral fraud”. “According to the available evidence, the defendants were aware of the risks in advance and deliberately pursued a foreseeable criminal outcome, violating their operational duty to act,” the prosecutor’s office noted.