February 9, 2025

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Italy: Five Star movement loses parliamentary majority | Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio left the M5S and formed the new party

Italy: Five Star movement loses parliamentary majority |  Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio left the M5S and formed the new party

From Rome

Italian Foreign Minister, Luigi de MayoAbandoned Five star motion (M5S) Brought him to power, as he himself announced on Tuesday night. Y Founded the new party At least so far 62 MPs, 51 deputies and 11 senators, all from the M5S. Some media outlets are talking about replacing the 70 MPs in total, but all the figures are tentative for now.

In this way ili “> M5S loses parliamentary majority in 2018 election. According to the Italian agency AdnKronos, two of the movement’s seven representatives in the European Parliament have joined de Mayo’s group. Among the M5S fighters who have joined the new party are Laura Castelli, the deputy minister for economics, four deputy secretaries from different ministries and heads of four parliamentary committees. The new party is called “Insieme per il futuro” (together for the future).

Within 24 hours of the recent outbreak of internal controversy over Italy’s proposal for Europe to send new weapons to Ukraine, the announcement of the formation of this new party confused many, but marked internal contradictions. They are not very common and have already been around for a long time.

De Mayo, who was harshly critical of the new weapons and foreign minister denied by the M5S, wrote in a note: “As foreign minister, I reiterate that Italy cannot accept positions against the euro. Atlantic values ​​… democracy, liberty, respect for the people and the security of the states.” .) “We all want and want peace. In the meantime, Putin continues to bomb Ukraine, ignoring the demands of the international community to sit down for talks. They also decide to take positions that embarrass the Italian government at headquarters. Immature attitude will create tensions and instability in government. A very serious incident. “

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Before announcing his decision publicly on Tuesday night, de Mayo visited the palace of Guerrero and informed President Sergio Matterella. He later held a press conference at a hotel in the center of Rome, however, he did not answer questions from reporters. “Thanks to the movement for everything they did for me,” De Mayo told a news conference. And he continued: “I am leaving the movement. This is the hardest decision I have to make. I never thought I would be able to do that. But today a new journey begins. He added of the new party: “Personal political power will be born, where there is no room for hatred, sovereignty and populism. Political strength in parliament. “

“We had to choose which part of history it should be,” De Mayo said, referring to the war in Ukraine and the split of the M5S. The leaders of the movement have weakened the country and embarrassed the government for reasons related to the consensus crisis.

For their part, the leaders of the M5S, especially former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, denied at all times that their aim was to embarrass the government or Draghi Io, and that the M5S would disappear after this split. Only later can we see what really happens with the M5S.

New weapons for Ukraine

Meanwhile, the Italian House of Representatives – after the Senate did the same yesterday – approved Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s proposal to send new weapons to Ukraine and use new sanctions against Russia. The proposal will be presented to the Council of Europe in Brussels on June 23 and 24 to decide on new measures for Ukraine. UN calls on Ukraine’s candidacy to join EU, block ports and avoid unprecedented food crisis

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“The Italian government will continue to support Ukraine as instructed by this Parliament,” Draghi said. Speaking in the Senate, he said before the speech, to those who asked him if he was concerned about what was happening in the M5S that it was destabilizing his government, he said no.

“The Sanctions against Russia They work – he added -. The International Monetary Fund predicts that these sanctions will cost Russia 8.5% of GDP (GDP). Time has shown that these measures are always effective. But our conversation channels are still open. We will not stop seeking peace in the terms Ukraine chooses “(…)” Ukraine must defend itself. Sending sanctions and sending arms will help, ”he added. Asked by parliamentarians why the peace plan should not be formulated, Draghi said, “Both parties are needed to design the peace plan. Instead, one of them is constantly looking for war, the other says that the Russians should go and only then will they start talking. They are two uncompromising positions.