July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

The end of the Merkel era: Olaf Scholes was elected the new president of Germany

The end of the Merkel era: Olaf Scholes was elected the new president of Germany
In Berlin (REUTERS / Fabrizio Bensch) Olaf Scholes receives a standing ovation during the German parliament’s Bundestag session.

The German parliament elected the Social Democrats president this Wednesday Olaf Scholes, It will change Angela MerkelAfter 16 years in office.

Scholes, 63 years old, He won the secret ballot by 395 votes out of a total of 736 votes cast. The politician will lead the coalition formed by Social Democrats, Environmental activists And Liberals.

Victory for the Social Democrat Conservative Party Angela Merkel, Who will hand over power to someone who was deputy and finance minister in his last grand coalition.

Following the signing of the investment session, this Tuesday Coalition agreement between the Social Democrats (SPD), Los Verdes And this Liberal Party (FDP) separately approved the agreement negotiated between its leaders in the previous days. The alliance between these three parties adds 416 seats out of a total of 736, although the number of delegates today stands at 707.

Scholes receives flowers after a session of the German parliament that elected him president.  (REUTERS / Fabrizio Bensch)
Scholes receives flowers after a session of the German parliament that elected him president. (REUTERS / Fabrizio Bensch)

New government, unprecedented tripartite at federal level, Will be very similar in the history of Germany, That was given Eight of its 16 ministries — 17, with the presidency — will be occupied by women, Including four related to national security and foreign policy: foreign, interior, security and development assistance.

Al Social Democrats (SPD) was the force that won 25.7% of the vote in the general election last September Seven Ministries, In addition to the Chancellor.

The Greens, who received 14.8%, have five portfolios, Among them the Super Ministry of Economy and Climate, for its co-chairman Robert Hebeck, Who is also the Vice-Chancellor, while his Co-Chairman, Annalena Barbach, Will occupy foreign affairs.

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Al FPD, With 11.5% in the last election, was similar Four Ministries, Included The main department of the European Financial Authority, It will be for their leader, Christian Lindner.

Liberal Christian Lindner will occupy the main finance ministry.  (REUTERS / Michele Tantussi)
Liberal Christian Lindner will occupy the main finance ministry. (REUTERS / Michele Tantussi)

Speaker of the House Social Democrat Bärbel Bas welcomed Merkel into the audience gallery.

Merkel, Repeatedly announcing that he was not going to hold new political positions and was not elected vice-president in the general election. It was received with the long applause of the Members of Parliament.

Outgoing President Angela Merkel was hailed by the Bundestag.  (REUTERS / Fabrizio Bensch)
Outgoing President Angela Merkel was hailed by the Bundestag. (REUTERS / Fabrizio Bensch)

Among the audience was the former Chancellor Heckhard Schrder, Merkel’s pioneer and last social democrat, up to Scholes, in the German Chancellor.

After the vote, the parliamentary session was adjourned and resumed Scholes’ oath as principal, Which will take place after the protocol visit to the Presidential Palace, Frank-Walter Steammer, To formalize his appointment.

(With information from EFE)

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