October 25, 2024

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Prisoners’ defenders condemned sending hundreds of Cubans to the front lines of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Prisoners’ defenders condemned sending hundreds of Cubans to the front lines of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Prisoners’ Defenders Condemn Sending Hundreds of Cuban Soldiers to War in Ukraine (Prisoners’ Defenders)

Prisoners are guards Reported as sent Hundreds of Cuban soldiers The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the placement of a number of political prisoners on the island 1,045. The NGO said in its latest report that 12 people were jailed for political reasons last August.

“It is obvious that the Cuban regime has supported the war in Ukraine. such as its press media and Latin American press agencies Latin Press (owned by the Cuban state), copied the narrative of the Russian regime and spread it throughout Latin America, supporting media such as RT And Sputnik And its narrative creates a hateful anti-European narrative among Latin American audiences,” the organization asserted.

He mentioned it when he was dictator Miguel Diaz Canal They traveled to Russia in 2022.Recruiting boys to go to warBy the dozens. The Cuban government did nothing and did not react in any way. Months passed, dozens turned into hundreds”.

“More revealing evidence came to light. The subsequent investigation of the Cuban blogger Alain PaparazziIn collaboration with the media America TeVeAn information television channel in Florida has shown testimony from several Cuban soldiers in Ukraine and Russia since early August, Some are up front and others are ready Enter the battle. The investigation gathered more and more evidence to reveal the involvement of the Cuban regime. In early September, Ukrainian researchers, after several weeks of work, published it publicly Passports of 199 Cubans already at the forefront”, finished prisoners defenders.

Marilyn Winant shows a photo of her son, Dennis Castillo, in military uniform, in an Aug. 22 message from her son, in an interview at her home in Havana, Cuba, Friday, Sept. 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinoza)

All of them generally have the following form:

1- The majority have arrived Russian Airlines on new direct route The Cuban regime and the Russian regime between Havana (Varatero) and Moscow were created precisely in July 2023, while all other airlines operating in Cuba have eliminated many of their routes due to lack of tourists to fill the flights.

2- All were recruited by Cuban personnel and Russian personnel in full cooperation. On the Cuban side, it was revealed InfobayTo blame for it all is Colonel Monica Milian Gómez of the Cuban Army, current military attaché in Moscow and daughter of the late Major General Roberto Milian Vega, who fought alongside Raúl Castro in the revolution.

3- The government issued them passports. A large percentage of the recruits were given the facilities and means to collect their passports in Havana a few days before their departure for Russia.

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4- The profile of those sent this way is the profile of those who want to live outside of Cuba.. The recruitment network promises them permanent residency in Russia They catch potential “worms” and “runners”. In which from July 11, 2021 the Cuban government wants to get rid of it to maintain internal social control. That is, the Cuban government could care less about their deaths and, in fact, has already labeled them “mercenaries.”

5- Once the immigration authorities in Cuba confirm that a traveler is going to Russia as a mercenary of the Russian army, They refuse to stamp their exit passport So, as they do, 100% of Cuban citizens traveling abroad have no record of the date of departure.

6- Many of them, etc Andorf Velázquez García And Alex Vegas Diaz, both 19 years old and imprisoned by the Russian military for refusing to fight, said they were told they would be assigned to construction work for the Russian military. however, Cubans are sent to the front line.

7- At least 20 of them entered through Belarus, precisely the country Cuba admits to sending Cuban troops.

Cuban Pedro Roberto Camuza, father of Robisi Alexander Camuza Perez, 33, recruited as a mercenary in Russia to go to war in Ukraine (AFP)

Prisoners’ defenders explained that the Cuban regime has filled Aeroflot planes on a new route created by the two governments since July. Hundreds of Cubans, from 500 to 1000Prepared for war in Ukraine and Russia.

From June to September, many allegations were made, but no one responded. Now, given the evidence at the beginning of September, the Cuban regime issued a note on the 8th of this month. Acknowledges Network Existence, But It Is a Russian, Not Cuban, ‘Human Trafficking Network’. Diplomats from several countries agree to the prisoners’ guardians as proof of Cuba’s intervention They are very strong And Cuba’s report confirmed the facts and multiplied the implications of its actions,” the NGO highlighted.

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And he continued: “The Cuban army, as is well known, is one of the few in the world that does not require any training from Cuban troops. Alexander LukashenkoThe purpose of the exercise was to enter the war using modern weapons supplied by Russia in the ongoing war in Ukraine and to cover the entrance of highly trained Cuban troops to participate in the war.

“In that dire situation – and without the need for training – massive investment in military training in Belarus is unthinkable for you to survive only with contributions from your greatest ‘enemy’ (the US). The training is not directly aimed at war in Ukraine, and Cuba will only accept it if Russia subsidizes it. Cuba in Belarus This very special group of players, unlike the previous group, can be considered It is to be ‘rented’ to Russia by the Cuban government“How do doctors and professors rent to other countries while keeping 90% of their salaries, and it won’t be long before we have solid evidence of another form of Cuban regime participation in the war in Ukraine,” the organization said.

Evolution of the List of Political Prisoners in Cuba (Prisoners Defenders)

In a section dedicated to political prisoners on the island, the NGO said in August, Another 12 conscientious objectors have joined the list of those deprived of liberty for political reasons..

He published a case involving a 3-year-old girl on August 7 Leadi Kataleya Naranjo RillosDaughter of a political prisoner Idol Naranjo PerezState security was summoned to accompany her grandmother, with the threat that if she did not appear, she could be charged with insubordination, just like her grandmother.

“We can confirm that this is not an isolated case, but frequent, 7-year-old Catherine Acosta Pena, daughter of Marisol Peña Copas and Jose Luis Acosta, was interrogated by Cuban state security officials without her parents present. A few months ago. The state defense accused the parents of ‘other acts against the normal development of the minor’, which is sufficient in the present circumstances. Family code After years of harassment and threats to strip them of their parental rights, Marisol and José Luis, who have suffered for decades as protesters and for their selfless pro-democracy work, had to flee to Mexico,” the report recounted.

The report said these dystopias with threats involving very young children are a response to a new family code approved in Cuba in 2022 that allows without any judicial protection in the past year and a half. Take parental rights away from parents Without even criminal proceedings, only through allegations of “observed conduct”.

Fight for the children of political prisoners in Cuba

Published by the NGO, the list includes totals with data closure up to August 31, 2023 1,045 political and prisoners of conscience Judicial sentences or rules that restrict the freedom of attorneys without any judicial oversight or legal protection, “In flagrant violation of international law It protects due process and effective protection, which we publicize every month and distribute to all political, diplomatic and human rights protection areas. We have confirmed and added to our list only in the last 6 months 91 new political prisoners, 15 new every month”, he explained.

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And continued: “This August 12 new political prisoners have joined our list. Another 14 political prisoners were released this month in full compliance with the ban.

Out of 1,045 political prisoners:

– In addition to the child’s arrest on August 12 Ramon David Aroche14 years old, present A total of 36 minors including 32 boys and 4 girls are on the list of political prisoners., who are still serving sentences (31 of them) or have been criminally prosecuted (5 of them). In a statement to the United Nations, the rulers recently acknowledged the veracity of these figures.

18 of the minors mentioned have been prosecuted or have already been convicted of “sedition”.. The average sentence for these minors for sedition was Deprived of freedom for 5 yearsBefore 11J (the mass demonstrations of July 11, 2021), the average sentence was longer than that of adults in political prison.

– From our current list, 212 protesters have been charged with treason and at least 208 have already been sentenced to an average of 10 years in prison. each one.

At present the number of female prisoners is 115 (including many transsexuals), it still continues with political and conscience directives and condemnations.

– All transsexuals in prison of conscience are imprisoned among men, which also happens to common trans prisoners, distressing situations, among men, inexplicable for their sexuality.