October 25, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Radical conservative bishops criticize Pope Benedict for meeting him | Attack against Francisco

Radical conservative bishops criticize Pope Benedict for meeting him |  Attack against Francisco

The most conservative Catholic bishops in the United States were not satisfied with the detailed and smooth meeting between US President Joe Biden and Pope Francis at the Vatican on October 29. Within the framework of the conflict between these ecclesiastical leaders and the supreme authority of the Catholic Church, they have no control over the aggressive publicity of their critiques and their use of social networking sites.

Although due to their positions on church affairs Francisco is understood to be an uncompromising adversary to the radical conservative section of the Catholic hierarchy in the United States., President Biden was basically attacked for his pro-abortion stance.

Report by journalist Brian Froga National Catholic Correspondent (NCR) Illustrates a portion of those comments from the United States, some of which are in a very offensive tone.

Thomas Robin, Bishop of Providence (Rhode Island), asked Francis via Twitter on October 27 to confront Pita on “this important issue” of abortion, after the Vatican meeting wrote, “I am afraid the Church has lost its prophecy. Where is John Baptiste facing Herod today?” Tobin was one of a group of bishops who condemned Biden’s support for abortion.President’s (Biden)’s support for abortion is a disgrace to the Church and a disgrace to the world. ”

The Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvador Cardillion, wrote that as the Democrats “move further to the left, Biden develops with it” and within that political position the issue of abortion is “very important and we can see how (Biden) is advancing further and further towards abortion”.

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Journalist Fraga reported that Cardinal Raymond Burke, an ultraconservative, opposed the use of vaccines against the corona virus and later contracted the disease. Cardinal was appointed President of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature (equivalent to the Supreme Court of a country) by Benedict XVI in 2008. He was fired by Francisco in 2014 after comparing Burke Church to a “rudderless ship”.

Now the cardinal is asking his followers to pray that “in the Church and in all nations in the United States, there must be truth and clarity in the preservation of the sanctity of the Holy Grace and in the protection of the souls of Catholic politicians who have grossly violated moral laws.” . In 2009, Burke asked the University of Notre Dame not to award an honorary degree to then-President Barack Obama because he too supported abortion. In 2004, for the same reason, he warned Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry that he would not offer unity.

Burke understands that the Church should not change its position because it considers it “an unchanging teaching.” Argued that The Code of Canonical Law establishes that euthanasia must be denied to Catholic politicians who support the legitimacy of abortion.

Richard Strickland not only agreed with Tyler’s Bishop (Texas) Burke position, but thanked him for his statements, saying it was “a clear statement of Catholic teaching.” He also asked for prayers for the “repentance of all those who support the killing of unborn children.”

For his part Jose Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles and President of the American Catholic Bishops’ Conference, “Abortion and euthanasia are the most basic question in any human civilization: who can live, who can not live, and who determines that question?” Has tweeted that. As President of the Episcopal Conference, Archbishop Gomez is responsible for overseeing the progress of the proposal of a Episcopal Conference that has proposed a proclamation of “Compassionate Synchronization” that goes in the same direction after Biden is elected President. Criticism of the North American presidency.

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All of the above show that the radical conservative branch of the Catholic hierarchy in the United States is one of the groups leading the attack against Francisco within the Catholic religion and is developing strategies to think about the future successor of George Bergoglio. Of the Catholic Church.

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