October 22, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Santiago Cafiro, a chief executive in the shadow

Santiago Cafiro, a chief executive in the shadow

He is still the strongest man in the presidency. Santiago Cafiro Have lunch two or three times a week with Alberto Fernandez Olivos goes to fifth place on Saturdays and Sundays. His conversations are beyond international relations and his current role as president.

They explain their arrival in government Ministry of Foreign Affairs It drove the foreign policy agenda in a “healthy way.” The relationship between his predecessor, Philip Sola, and the president was broken. The two did nothing to fix it, and it had a positive impact on the administration, which had more controversy than success. The current Minister of Foreign Affairs is the President.

Kafiro has the task of balancing. They describe in their context how Argentina’s role should be in the world, “he said. President I will be going to the Mercosur Summit in December Will be displayed next Jair Bolzano; It is challenging to advance negotiations with the United States Organized with the IMF, Meet a The trip to China is pending For April or May, Travel to Germany And Maintaining agreements with Russia. “They wanted to show an isolated Alberto Fernandez and the tour showed that this was not the case.

Santiago Kafiro was able to reduce the fighting with Brazil, which put Mercosur at risk.

During his tenure at Cabinet headquarters, Kafiro continued to play an active role with other ministers. Minister of Economy, Martin Guzman, And Head of Production Development, Matthias Gulfas, They met him at the Palacio San Martினn. Other officers pass by. “It makes sense if there is an active foreign trade policy. Money should go where it belongs. If there is silver in Australia, we will go to Australia,” he said, citing the government’s example of the $ 8,400 million investment in green hydrogen in Rio Negro. Having done that, the “investment of the century” will come from there.

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The tour clarified Kofiro continues to be the most trusted man in the presidency, Regardless of the role it plays. The former CEO was responsible for reviewing and preparing Fernandez’s presentations abroad. In collaboration with the Secretary of International Economic Relations, Cecilia Todesca Poko, Prepared the words of the head of state to the world. There were three presentations at the Leaders Summit G-20 And another three Conference on Climate Change. “Anyway, Alberto has the soul of a teacher,” Kafiro says of the conversations that continued until a few minutes before Fernandez spoke.

Ministers turn to Kafiro when they have to settle something with the president. There are not only folders from his areas when it comes to visiting President Fernandez. It could be lunch at the Casa Rosada or on the weekends at Olivos. Following Christianity’s pressure for cabinet reshuffle, he left the cabinet to leave the post to Juan Mansour.

With him, the president also evaluates the post-November 14 scenes. The Chancellor firmly believes that there is no room for further cabinet reshuffle after another defeat. He promises to understand that all the allies of Frente de Todos have no choice but to unite, and he is optimistic about the future of the ruling coalition.

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