July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

The Savista regime insulted EU work and announced in January that it would not allow Venezuela to return.

The Savista regime insulted EU work and announced in January that it would not allow Venezuela to return.
Vice President of Psuv, Diosdado Cabello

With a tone of arrogance and bad humor, Chavismo’s number two, Diostato Cabello insults EU mission of traveling as an observer in regional and municipal elections Held in the Caribbean last Sunday, November 21st.

He is also the Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv). He called the audience “fools” after presenting a report on the elections, denouncing the judiciary’s lack of independence and disrespect for the rule of law.

“These people believe we are a colony. I have already reported. They also say it’s coming in January. How do you think you can come to Venezuela? No, man, it’s not like that! “, Cabello said during a live broadcast through his show, With Malt Giving, Broadcast on the state channel Venezuelana de Television (VTV).

“What is her name? Queen Isabel? That name may have been given to them in memory of Queen Elizabeth.” They play a silly role because it does not give off cold and heat. I read it and you can see how curved this initial statement is. They and those who come in January … have to come to the carnival, in disguise. Hair said mockingly.

However, Chavista called Isabel Santos, head of the observer mission, a liar for releasing the report, which Cabello said was prepared before the election.

“Ma’am, why not read Venezuelan law and stick your tongue out?” Capello referred to Santos.

Isabel Santos is the head of the EU monitoring mission in Venezuela
Isabel Santos is the head of the EU monitoring mission in Venezuela

The EU Observer Mission in Venezuela submitted its preliminary report on regional elections last Tuesday, Sunday.The judiciary lacks independence and does not follow the rule of law”.

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The Portuguese diplomat, who will return to the country in late January or early February – according to him – to submit the full report. “Political campaigning was marked by a greater use of state resources”.

He said, “There is no ban on irregularities in the National Electoral Council (CNE)“And the audience of that block”Saw the establishment of checkpoints in 23 states and capital districts, despite CNE’s apparent ban”.

Then he said: “We apologize for the murder of the voter who stood in line to vote in Julia. An attack that injured others ”; At the same time it pointed out “Attacks on an election observer (he made it clear he was not from the EU) and two human rights defenders. There is no place for such acts in democratic practice”, He insisted.

Prior to the review, Santos said, “Have the feeling of living in a historical moment. 15 years ago the EU did not come to Venezuela with a surveillance mission. This work is possible at the invitation of CNE, ”he said.

He continued: “In the last days, There was a lot of speculation About the nature of our work. It is independent, impartial and impartial. Monitoring tasks They are not an interfering tool In the life of nations ”, he clarified; When he highlighted it “Today’s report is just the beginning. There are important stages, including the study of potential challenges that the EU will continue to look at and the completion of resolutions.”, He explained.

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