July 27, 2024

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The tragic end of Qatar’s former princess: a golden cage, a divorce dispute and a fatal overdose

The tragic end of Qatar’s former princess: a golden cage, a divorce dispute and a fatal overdose

Qatar’s former princess died of an alleged drug overdose in Marbella in May this year, around the same time details of World Cup preparations hit the country’s royal family. It started on Sunday, November 20. Before her death, the woman described her ordeal as a member of the country’s royal family in an interview.

Isolation of power

Princess Khasia Al Thani, 46, is the third wife of billionaire Abdelaziz bin Khalifa Al Thani, 73., described how going from growing up in an ordinary family in America to joining the royal family was challenging, adding “more money, but also more problems in his life.” When he gave that interview, there was no indication that he would die a few days later of an overdose at his home in Marbella.

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Kasia met the Qatari prince when she was 19, still a student and traveling to Paris during her spring break. The girl is not worried about the age difference, they are 28 years apart, they are married and have three daughters.

Over time, the couple became fed up and divorced in 2007 despite the Qatari prince’s religious objections. From that moment, the woman became known Cassia Callanio And had to sell her jewelry to survive.

Kasia met the Qatari prince when she was 19, still a student traveling in Paris during her spring break (Instagram/kashounia)
Kasia met the Qatari prince when she was 19, still a student traveling in Paris during her spring break (Instagram/kashounia)

Kasia became an Instagram influencer, associated with Hollywood celebrities and brought 500,000 followers on that social network. At the same time, the former princess fought a custody battle for her daughters. Also, a girl accused her father in front of the judge Touching it “inappropriately”. Qatar has always denied this.

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This year, the same year Qatar was playing in the World Cup, Galliano was found dead in his luxury apartment in Marbella after one of his daughters alerted Spanish police from Paris that his mother had been unable to contact him for days.

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After the alarm, Spanish police arrived at the complex on the Spanish coast and the doorman let them into the apartment. There, the woman was found dead of an overdose of pills. When officers arrived, they found her in bed. No signs of violence.

“My client is devastated by this decision. More than anything, I think he died of grief,” said Cassia’s lawyer, Sabrina Bosch, when she learned of his death.

“My client is devastated by this decision.  Above all, I think he died of grief,
“My client is devastated by this decision. Above all, I think he died of grief,” assured Kasia’s lawyer Sabrina Bosch (Instagram / Kashonia)

The latest information about the death of Cassia Galliano added to the mystery. The corpse of the former princess, which had been left rotting in her bedroom for six to ten days, had wounds on her shoulders. Police also found traces of blood on the stairs of the house, a broken lamp and glass all over the floor.

At the moment, the leading theory is that Cassia cut her leg on the glass, leaving bloody tracks on the way to her bedroom, where her body was found. Next to his bed were three empty vodka bottles, alcohol and anti-depressants, and a cocktail.

Her boyfriend, an artist Bruce Babs, insists she is scared because she was attacked and robbed of a million dollars a few weeks ago: “I haven’t had a drink or smoked in months. She was not suicidal, she was working on a project she was very excited about, going to market some wine from France in Marbella”.

A golden cage for Kasia

A few weeks ago, Kasia, who is of Polish descent, opened up about her tumultuous relationship with Qatar’s former oil and finance minister. Kasia admitted that she lived in a “golden cage” in Qatar. And when she talked to him about the divorce, the woman alleged that her ex-partner paid child support to her daughters.

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Callanio was there The third wife of Abdelaziz bin Khalifa Al Thani, uncle of the current Emir of QatarHe previously served as Minister of Petroleum and Finance in the 1980s.

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“Because money is a curse It isolates you from others. It’s a different world,” Galliano admitted in his last interview. I grew up in a normal home, so it was a completely different world in Qatar. Entering the royal family as an American was a completely new thing.”

Despite living in a luxury apartment in Marbella, the former princess revealed she had to sell her own jewelery as a result of a long and bitter divorce. “Apthelogis wants to control me through women, which is not very polite and only hurts them,” Kasia accused her ex-partner.

love story

Cassia also spoke about falling in love with Prince despite the 28-year age difference while studying in Europe. “I went to Paris on vacation. I was with a friend who was dating a French banker,” Kasia recalled. We left and stopped at the house of one of his clients to sign some documents. It was the residence of a Qatari prince. It was interesting. We chatted a bit and exchanged emails. I los When Angels returned, my inbox was full and there were roses on my doorstep. It’s a great friendship.”


Kasia accompanied the Prince when he was minister to Qatar. In this case, the woman revealed, “He wanted to take care of him because Shakti made him feel very lonely. Up there I have almost no friends.

Due to the age difference and distrust of the Qatari royal family, the couple separated. “I wanted to live my life, I was still young, my daughters were too young for me. He had already left me, he didn’t care about me anymore. He had other wives too.” Kasia argues with her ex-partner about her breakup.

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But the divorce turned out to be a scandal, and not only because of the money problem. Abdelaziz was accused of sexually touching one of his daughters And forced her to sleep in his bed. The allegations were aired in court at a recent police trial in Paris. “Power, diplomatic immunity and money shouldn’t allow you to do things outside the law. I hope that’s not true, but if my daughter says so, I believe her.”

French media reports also described Abdelaziz having his daughters sleep in the servants’ quarters of his sprawling Parisian home, the same girl that stunned Kasia after meeting her mother at 19. It was only when the girls apologized to the man that they were able to return to the main rooms.

French newspaper Le Parisien reported that a Paris court had rejected Cassia’s custody requests. He had recently been in hospital for several months and the French publication said he had suffered a nervous breakdown.

Thus, the judge adjourned the case pending a decision. Psychological assessment Another reference to the Paris media said to better understand the family’s circumstances.

Following her tragic death, Kasia’s friend described her as a “good person” who was “against drugs” and denied that she was an alcoholic. These reports added to the mystery surrounding the influencer’s death.

Kasia tried to fight a media war against the Qatari prince. To her 500,000 Instagram followers, the woman said: “My children’s father, Prince Abdulaziz Khalifa Al Thani, has not paid a cent in child support for over a year to help me support and raise our daughters. However, having your daughters father be a millionaire prince from Qatar is a shame.

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