July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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The WHO warns that the Omigran variant is spreading rapidly, affecting those who have already been vaccinated

The WHO warns that the Omigran variant is spreading rapidly, affecting those who have already been vaccinated

The Omicron variant of the corona virus Is spreading faster than the delta It can also cause infections in people who have already been vaccinated or who have just recovered from Govt-19. The director said this on Monday World Health Organization (WHO), Tetros Adonom Caprese.

“There is now consistent evidence that Omigron is spreading significantly faster than the delta variant”Caprais told a news conference at his new headquarters in Geneva.

He added: “People are more likely to be vaccinated or recover from Covit-19 Infection or re-infection may occur”.

This was stated by the Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization, Soumya Swaminathan Variation manages to avoid certain immune responses, I.e. booster programs put in place in many countries should target those with weakened immune systems.

Omigran appears to be effective in eliminating antibodies produced by some Covit-19 vaccines. But WHO officials say there are other types of immunity that can prevent infection and infection.

“We do not believe that all vaccines are completely ineffective.”Swaminathan said.

Furthermore, WHO expert Abdi Mahmood noted: “Although we see a decrease in the neutralization of antibodies, almost all the data show that T cells remain intact, which is what we really need.”

Although the antibody protection of some studies is weakened, it is hoped that T cells, the second pillar of the immune response, will prevent the onset of severe disease by attacking infected human cells.

The WHO team also presented the world facing new epidemics The pandemic that has killed more than 5.6 million people worldwide – 2022 is expected to be the end of the year, With the development of second- and third-generation vaccines, antimicrobial therapies, and other innovations.

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“(We believe) this disease is relatively mild, easily preventable, easily cured, and easily overcome in the future,” said Mike Ryan, WHO’s leading emergency expert.

“If the spread of the virus can be kept to a minimum, the epidemic can be brought to an end”Added.

However, Tetros said the same ChinaThe SARS-CoV-2 corona virus was first detected in late 2019. Be prepared to provide data and information related to its origin to help answer in the future.

“We have to keep going until we know the look, we have to work hard because we have to learn from what happened this time (to do it) and do better in the future,” he said.

Reuters Agency