July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Thinking her hands were itchy from using cleaning products, she went to the doctor, and the diagnosis was devastating

Thinking her hands were itchy from using cleaning products, she went to the doctor, and the diagnosis was devastating

Starting in March 2020 the hands started itching Prevention and mandatory social isolation By The international spread of Covid-19. With the chaos in the healthcare system at the time, Mary Barry58, could not get an appointment at any medical center.

Barry worked as a nursery school manager in London, England, UK. When the problem started I thought it was a reaction to cleaning products She used to, but she consulted experts to stay calm.

Due to the epidemic situation, the doctors advised him to send photos of the dryness of his hands and prescribed several creams, which did not solve the problem. In addition, Maria had History of gallstones And his gallbladder was removed.

Maria is the mother of three teenagers: Nico, 32 years old; Luca, 30; and Nadia, 27.Facebook: Nadia Barry

A year and a half later, in December 2021, he was diagnosed with a disease Colon cancer. The extremely rare condition affects only around a thousand people in the UK each year, according to Notified the National Health Organization (NHS).

“On December 24, Christmas Eve, we received the worst news of all. Since then, Our world turned upside down and became a living nightmare.”reported their children through a web portal, go to finance me There they try to collect money To save his mother. Maria is the mother of three teenagers: Nico, 32 years old; Luca, 30; and Nadia, 27. “After investigation, doctors discovered that itchy hands are associated with cancer and liver problems,” they added.

But at first the results were inconclusive, and since it is rare in the country, experts decided not to start treatment until they confirmed what type of cancer it was. The final diagnosis came in April this year. “During the wait, the mass spread 5 centimeters. In April they discovered it had spread to the liver, so now it’s 9-cm. His life can be completed within 3 to 6 months. Chemotherapy started in May.

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But Barry’s children attributed the chemotherapy to their mother “Horrible Side Effects” And they’re trying to raise money for access to effective and less harmful treatment.

“We became aware of a trial being conducted at University College London Hospitals (UCLH). Effects of gene therapy V In patients with this type of cancer. They did a biopsy and confirmed that they had identified the affected gene, so he was more likely to receive gene therapy. It’s much gentler on the body, but it’s just as aggressive against cancer as chemotherapy,” they explained.

Maria Barry's children started a collection for the cure, which is about $200,000.
Maria Barry’s children started a collection for the cure, which is about $200,000.GoFundME

But the monthly cost of UCLH treatment goes around £14,000 per month [más de US$16.500]. “This treatment is not available through the NHS. At least try to raise enough money to cover it 6 months of treatmentEven in an ideal year, that would be £170,000 [más de US$200.000]. “Any small amount would be greatly appreciated,” they added in the post. So far, they’ve raised over $28,000.

Apart from that they honored the mother with a nickname “Neighborhood Heroine”. “She is loved by everyone in the community. We can’t imagine our lives without her, but time is against us. She can show the world that this cancer can be beaten. We also want to encourage the NHS to make this treatment available.”