July 27, 2024

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Violence in Ecuador: Councilor shot dead

Violence in Ecuador: Councilor shot dead
UNCONTROLLED VIOLENCE: Opposition councilor shot dead in southwestern Ecuador

A councillor Citizens revolution (RC), a political movement led by a former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, He was shot dead in the city on Wednesday OrangeIn the province QuayasSouthwest EcuadorAccording to official sources.

Diana Carnero32 years old, received many Bullet impacts While he was on the street in Corona 2 sector, he took photos and videos of the condition of the roads, nearby Eco ParkAccording to a report Naranjal Municipality.

The officer was taken by ambulance to a hospital in the sector where doctors declared him dead due to the severity of his injuries.

The attack took place a day after Guayas Governor. Alberto MolinaHe met local authorities to assess the security situation in the city, which has recorded several acts of violence in recent months.

The municipality of Naranjal expressed “deep regret” over Carnero's killing and asked competent authorities to investigate the case and find those responsible.

Diana Carnero, 32, was taking photos and videos of the condition of the roads on a street in Corona 2 sector, near the Eco Park, when she received multiple gunshot wounds.

Luisa González, president of the RC, condemned the crime and expressed her solidarity with the councilor's family, calling him “The brave woman promised her people”.

“I learned that our colleague, Diana Carnero, a councilor for Narangel, was murdered today. Heartfelt hugs to your family. When these things happen, others devote themselves to criticizing their illusion between voting no or not voting, and how they lost their way!”

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Carnero was a civil engineer and assumed the post of councilor last May when he was recognized as the official representative of Naranjal.

During his administration, he proposed the development of social programs for the development of his city, as expressed in his social networks.

In recent years, the Naranjal area has been increasing murdersThe ExtortionRobberies and other crimes are often linked to territorial disputes between such criminal gangs. Coneros and other criminal cells.

Carnero was a civil engineer and assumed the post of councilor last May when he was recognized as the official representative of Naranjal.

Councilor's crime Diana Carnero This adds to other incidents of violence in the city Massacre of four people In the church Jesus is MaryOctober 9, 2023, or Battery acid attack In May 2023, to a 16-year-old mother and her four-month-old baby.

In Ecuador, someone dies every 69 minutes InsecurityThis has made the armoring of clothing, vehicles, homes and offices an increasing need for people to feel safe.

According to the German Statistics Portal StatistaThe homicide rate per 100,000 citizens has increased 300% In 2023, a historic record was reached 7,878, Only 584 of them were solved.

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According to the German statistical portal Statista, the homicide rate per 100,000 people will increase by 300% in 2023, reaching a historical record of 7,878, of which only 584 have been solved.

Escape from prison In Guayaquil of a druggist Adolfo “Fito” MaciasAt the beginning of January, the formations led to a strong attack Drug trafficking On the streets and in various prisons.

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Administrator's response Daniel Nobo fHe had to order a 60-day state of emergency to mobilize the army, which was fueled further Violence Abductions of uniformed men and prison guards, bombings, attacks on police stations and an armed takeover of a television channel in Guayaquil were all on air.

In this context, Noboa “Internal armed conflict” and ordered the military to “neutralize” 22 drug-trafficking organizations, which he called “terrorists” and militants.

(With information from EFE and AFP)