October 23, 2024

Brighton Journal

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Who was the leader of the coup d’état in Bolivia, General Juan Jose Zunica?

Who was the leader of the coup d’état in Bolivia, General Juan Jose Zunica?
General Zuniga was handcuffed after being arrested for attempting a coup in Bolivia.

All eyes were on Wednesday JUAN JOSE ZUNICA MAZIAS, a former commander of the Bolivian army, accused of being the subject and mastermind of the failed coup attempt. Zúñiga, approved by the President in January of this year Lewis Arshas been a controversial role both inside and outside the military sphere.

Luis Arce (c) in front of General Commander of the Bolivian Army Juan José Zunica at the Bolivian Government Headquarters in La Paz (Bolivia), (EFE/BoliviaTV Channel)

Known for his experience in military intelligence, Zuniga was not one of the best officers at his promotion: he ranked 48th out of 65 officers who graduated in 1990, according to 2020 records cited by a Bolivian newspaper. Duty. however, Zunika He maintains close ties with social movements and trade unions, which have allowed him to acquire a nickname little by little. “General of the People”.

Police present a handcuffed Juan Jose Zunica to the media (AP Photo/Juan Karita)

In his life, Zunika He served as chief of staff before becoming the army chief and has been the subject of several corruption allegations. In 2013, a report attributed to NCO Porfirio Quispe pointed out Zunika As the key person in charge More than 2.7 million bolivianos were stolenJuancito Pinto Bonus (targeted at primary school boys and girls), renta dignitad (pension for those over 60) and funds earmarked for military travel expenses.

The document, dated November 28, 2013 and written by Quispe, details the order. Zunika, Quispe provided all balances associated with said payments without knowing the ultimate destination of those resources. A 2013 report also mentions threats against Quispe and his family, a non-commissioned officer representing Zúñiga.

During the coup attempt before Juan Jose Zunica was arrested

These allegations add up Drug trafficking chargesStarted by Gen Luis Pegaso, was suspended without explanation. Pegaso charged Zunika Involvement in illegal cross-border activities from the administration of the former President Evo Morales. Morales also pointed out Zunika A strategy aimed at discrediting him as the executor of a “black plan” against him.

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Beyond these allegations, JUAN JOSE ZUNICA MAZIAS ” is attached to the groupBachajzos”A power network responsibility within the military Intelligence missions And according to complaints, it makes it easier Smuggling at the border.

This committee was formed during administration Evo Morales, has a strong influence when appointing officer positions and is guided by the leadership of the armed forces. Entry into this group is highly restricted and requires compliance with various requirements. Zunika He publicly acknowledged the existence of the “Pachajzos” group and defended his activities in military intelligence.

The “Pachajchos” group was created during the administration of Evo Morales (EFE/ Jorge Abrego).

In 2022, own Morales accused Zuniga of executing a “black scheme” to tarnish his image.Warning of possible actions by this group against him and other leaders.

From Govt Lewis ArsThe existence of a strategy to harm Morales has been repeatedly denied, assuring who Zunika He would have instructed the military intelligence agency to search the belongings of potential leakers. “He advised and found nothing” Morales declared In September 2022.