January 20, 2025

Brighton Journal

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40 years after the Malvinas, low budgets and degraded equipment have accelerated the Armed Forces

40 years after the Malvinas, low budgets and degraded equipment have accelerated the Armed Forces

Low budget, inadequate equipment, expensive items, weapons and ammunition a Degradation in the Armed Forces, Forty years after his last major military operation, that is Falkland War. Along with this is the poor facilities and late pay policy, especially regarding the salaries of the security forces.

Argentina is investing in security today 0.7% of GDP, Below many countries in such region Brazil (1.4%), Chile (1.8%), Uruguay (2.3%) and Ecuador (2.4%). Israel (5.6%), Russia (4.2%), Ukraine (4.1%), the United States (3.7%), UK (2.2%), Random selection of countries (France (2%), Canada (1.4%) and Spain (1.4%).

Initially it was necessary to integrate ourselves in the region with Brazil and Chile. But to integrate we need to have a comparative equality that can contribute according to our ability. Otherwise, it’s like going to a barbecue together: they serve meat, wine and fire. We can’t take bread “, In conversation with, he drew up top military evidence Nation.

There is a consensus that degeneration in the armed forces is the result of low budgets. Shortage of ships and aircraft, Weapons systems, propaganda equipment and other materials. The ARA sinking of San Juan in November 2017 and the death of 44 of its employees is the culmination of a devastation. Today the Navy has no operational submarine.

From Malvinas to here, a static picture shows its status despite the creation of the Armed Forces. National Security Fund (Fondef), Its purpose is to have a state policy to improve military equipment. Beyond the resources that can reach $ 300 million a year, Fondef’s main advantage is the ability to plan investments and guarantee their financing over many years. “This will allow them to expect the purchase of more expensive goods, which is number one in all forces,” they pointed out before a query in the military. Nation.

The military has about 230 units of a medium-sized Argentine tank (TAM) about 40 years old.
The military has about 230 units of a medium-sized Argentine tank (TAM) about 40 years old.Ministry of Defense

The army has armor (tanks, infantry vehicles and other) Over 30 years. “Ancient object needs more evidence for its maintenance”, is a phrase passed in Barracks.

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Army a 230 units of Argentine medium tank (TAM), 40 year limit. It also uses country-built combat personnel carriers (VCTPs) licensed within Germany, within single-family vehicles. The factory that made the TAMs in Boulogne Removed during the reign of Carlos Mennon.

A project is underway with Israel Update a section of TAMs And extend their productive lives. This will be through the TAM 2C project, which has been delayed due to lack of budget. The first units will be available in 2026.

“There are no wheeled armored vehicles in the army. There is no military power in the world. They are found in Ukraine and allow transport units to quickly mobilize forces unnecessarily, ”one of the sources discussed said. “They hit the road like a car. The most common are 8 x 8 wheeled vehicles (a platform with four wheels on each side) and 6 x 6, he commented.

Government in this regard Alberto Fernandez Showed interest in connecting Guarani armored vehicle (6 x 6), which is made in Brazil and has components manufactured in Argentina. The aim is to complete a battalion of wheelers, but the proposal is not yet complete.

More than 70% of garrison and field vehicles (trucks, jeeps, vans) are over 30 years old and They are starting to become obsolete. Since Christina Kirschner’s second term, major purchases of units have been made, and the Navy’s slow renewal process has begun. One of the problems is that models of different brands are connected, which makes maintenance logistics more complicated.

Specify international parametersThe entire fleet of military units must be renewed in ten years. The Argentine army has about 6,000 garrisons and propaganda vehicles, so about 600 new vehicles must enter each year. But the latest additions are 60/80 units per year.

Army Jeeps MB 230, from 1982
Army Jeeps MB 230, from 1982Joint Staff of the Armed Forces

The most valuable medium trucks in the Armed Forces are those that allow them to travel on impassable roads, the Unimok. Most came 46 years ago and some have been restored. AndHowever, there is an awareness in the military that many vehicles do not pass routine technical checks. Many units exhibit brake problems, broken steering and dangers to drivers, force officials admitted. Budget restrictions, for example, led to the purchase of 4 x 4 trucks and not the purchase of more expensive jeeps. “They are compiled for military use and you see a lot in the Middle East,” the sources explain.

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As for heavy goods, it is believed in military units The cannons need restoration. But Achilles heel is ammunition. “Ammunition is expensive and people need to be trained in sniper training. Low budgets have led to a shortage of ammunition to train personnel and build operational reserves, ”they acknowledge in the Armed Forces.

The most affected skills after Malvinas Air and tank anti-defense, which today does not allow to hit targets in medium and long distances. For example, local military units do not have javelin-like missiles found in Ukraine, which are man-made and have significant accuracy over medium and long distances.

“If the military did not have its own personnel, so much motivation, spirit, effort and career,” Will not be operational. “Signed by one of the players consulted.

A column of Unimok vehicles attached to the military between 1976 and 1977
A column of Unimok vehicles attached to the military between 1976 and 1977Joint Staff of the Armed Forces

Among the budget constraints, investments that have reached a large number of employees in recent years have been privileged. “For example, Instead of buying the tank, it was decided to invest that money in the purchase of light weapons, uniforms, and helmets. A variety of materials and propaganda equipment “, a military leader said.

In that sense, The Navy and Air Force present more problems, pBecause of your needs Large investments are required. “If the Air Force does not combine fighter-interceptors, transport planes or aircraft with air alert and control systems, they can not provide anything else,” they explained to the military.

The same goes for naval submarines ARA has gone without those units with the tragedy of San Juan. Repair of ARA Salta and ARA Santa Cruz. Minister George Tiana two weeks ago pointed out the need to restore the country’s “submarine capacity”, which renewed the idea of ​​evaluating the potential acquisition of a submarine.

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In the Armed Forces they consider it convenient Do not delay the modernization of MEKO-class corvettes and erasers. The government attached four French maritime patrol boats to control the sea base. But since they are not war units, they do not have the capability to carry an armed system.

With the tragedy of ARA San Juan, the Navy was without operational submarines
With the tragedy of ARA San Juan, the Navy was without operational submarinesArchive

Forty years after the plane crashed in Malvinas, the military is considering it urgent Update their helicopters. First, the mountains, Then others. Some Bell UH-1Hs have been upgraded to the Huey II version, but they will all need to be replaced in the future. They want to feel the desire with Fondef.

In 1982, the Air Force was well equipped. This included interceptors such as Canberra fighter jets and the Mirage. Today, the ban imposed by the United Kingdom after the war occurred with the possibility of purchasing aircraft and military weapons from Argentina, as well as negotiations to bring in aircraft with British components from Korea. Something similar would have happened to Griffon, made in Brazil.

“Despite Argentina’s refusal to use force to retake the Falkland Islands, it is the British who remain silent on the difficulties our country faces in strengthening its air capabilities. This will prevent the military from allocating more resources to the garrison in the islands, “said a senior military source.