February 9, 2025

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

Áñez | Paulsonaro admits he had a booked meeting with the President in the presence of evangelicals from Brazil

Áñez |  Paulsonaro admits he had a booked meeting with the President in the presence of evangelicals from Brazil

From Sao Paulo

You will not lie: in the overt rapture of honesty Jair Bolsanaro affirmed in front of pastors and evangelical believers Have one Allocated meeting With the former Bolivian practice president Jeanine AnesRecently Ten years in prison For the coup that ousted President Evo Morales.

This confession adds another aspect to the doubts about Brazilian accomplice With the November 2019 coup.

If the evidence presented in the judiciary proves that former President Mauricio Macri was complicit with the conspirators, Little progress has been made so far in clarifying Brazil’s participation. The statement from Bolzano last Saturday confirmed the practice: “Has anyone heard of Jeanine Anes? Who is that woman? She is about 50 years old, blonde, I was with her once in my life, and I had a good impression of her. There were almost ten marks “.

He said this at the temple of the Ministry of International Reconstruction in Manaus, the most important city in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest that stretches as far as northern Bolivia.

By This is the second time Palacio was in direct contact with the invader forcibly in del Cumato. The first revelation occurred about a year ago and this newspaper reported exclusively about it. Immediately, from La Paz, Áñez’s lawyers refused to hold the conference.

“The defense ministry has insisted that the former president never had a meeting with Mr Jair Bolsanaro,” said Dr. Norka Quiller, quoted by EFE.


The first reference to the quote occurred in July last year and appeared to be the result of the president’s verbal incompetence, with his allies immediately removing the phrase from social networks, perhaps protecting him from a scandal.

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But this weekend he spoke again about that meeting, and he started the speech several times interrupted by the applause of his supporters and made it so explicit that some of them called him the “story”.

Strictly speaking, Bolzano did nothing else to recognize the crowd denied by his far-right co-religionist Ans. One of the two did not see the truth.

In a pastoral tone, the ruler, accompanied by the Apostle Rene Terra Nova, preached at the Temple of the Amazon, “It is not our destiny to lie. I talked a lot about John 832 (Bible verse) during my election campaign. In addition, he promised that the former television presenter, senator and president had fallen victim to the persecution of a dictatorial government. He predicted that if Brazil was to be ruled again without Labor (PT)’s Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, he and the defenders of “freedom” would face the same fate as the “innocent” Anes.

A couple of days after that the viceroy Eduardo Bolzano, the president’s son, released a map of South America on Monday There Bolivia was marked with a hammer and sickle. The recently selected Gustavo Petro is a recurring symbol on the maps of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Venezuela and Colombia.


Bolivian diplomatic source PT deputy Arlindo Sinaglia and well-known Brazilian intelligence journalist Marco Aurelio de Carvalho have admitted that Bolsanaro and Annes may have spoken in person.

“I have no evidence of what happened, but Bolzano announced that he had just met Ans. What’s being said?

His suspicions were shared by other PT lawmakers, such as Senator Humberto Costa, who said he would like to know if there were any meetings with Bolsonaro’s private cabinet leader Annes and Santa Cruz. Luis Fernando Camono Between January 1 and December 31, 2019.

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That demand would begin with the assumption that the now-condemned former governor could have traveled to Brasilia before and after the coup.

About Camacho, a strong man in the treason movement, was confirmed to be in Brasilia in early May 2019, when he posed for a photo with then-President Ernesto Arazo. According to reports, the “Bolivian Bolzano” on the same voyage – he was nicknamed – may have been originally derived from Brazil.

For its part, Bolivian sources who are members of his country’s embassy staff say that as of November 11, 2019, Annes may have flown to Brazil on one of more than 20 aircraft made by President FAB001. The day after the fall of Morales.

“We are not sure if it was, but it makes sense that he went to seek the support of the government of a grassroots country in the region. Brazil was also the first government to recognize Áñez And the government said all companies were treated with respect, “said Diplomat.

For her, the “strong” truth is just that The flights were registered by FlightAware, a North American company, in templates published by Felipe Yapur in this newspaper.


These FAB001 trips were made without official registration, violating Bolivian law, either because they changed ez or because they went in search of “something unknown to one”.

At the time the Brazilian investigator Carvalho appeared, and it is reasonable to assume that some of those planes carried “weapons”. Although he has no evidence, Carvalho adds that “there are indications that the Bolzano family is involved in the arms trade.”

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Carvalho concludes that “as clearly as he did with Macri in Argentina, it is necessary to fully investigate the involvement of the Brazilian government.”