March 18, 2025

Brighton Journal

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Evo Morales has condemned the theft of two other cell phones from one of his aides and corruption is growing in Bolivia

Evo Morales has condemned the theft of two other cell phones from one of his aides and corruption is growing in Bolivia
Evo Morales as Franco Fazuli
Evo Morales as Franco Fazuli

Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales He condemned on Tuesday Apart from his cell phone, two more phones were stolen from one of his assistants.

Through his account on the social network Twitter, the former president expressed: “The people of Bolivia and especially the militancy of the MAS-IPSP know: Apart from my phone, they stole two cell phones from my only communication assistant“.

I add: “Like I said, this is our first time. We believe that we condemn this act of irresponsibility”.

Evo Morales' message on Twitter
Evo Morales’ message on Twitter

The hypothesis that it was a “preemptive action” had already slipped on MondayWhen he claims his phone was stolen “It happened in an action attended by the Minister of the Interior (Eduardo del Castillo) and his security (police). (…) We don’t want to think that this is part of a planned attack to harm us,” he said..

A political event of the Governing Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) was held on Sunday in a town in the Department of Santa Cruz.

Morales (2006-2019) previously expressed his public criticism of the performance of Minister del Castillo. And his MAS party has asked President Luis Arce to impeach him, although the president has not echoed the demands.

The former Aymara ruler also indicated that he had not.Nothing to hide“, but what “We will report any attempt to use frame-ups or misrepresentations against us”.

For his part, del Castillo did not comment..

Bolivian Government Minister, Eduardo del Castillo (Bolivian Government Ministry/Europe Press/Archive)
Bolivian Government Minister, Eduardo del Castillo (Bolivian Government Ministry/Europe Press/Archive)

Influential MAS affiliate, Juanito anglenoted that “This is the cell phone of an important, historical leader, a former president and of course it contains important information”.

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He even said thatThere are intruders” He doubts the legitimacy of the government’s actions and that they should have a phone.

The theft of the device has prompted complaints from the opposition that the government is sending an unusual number of police officers to clear the case and trace the cellphone..

Opposition Member of Parliament Jose Carlos Gutierreznoted that “Police mobilization for lost cell phone is interesting”.

According to him, all these scenes “call for attention”, “this cell phone looks like a gold mine to learn about all its political and trade union connections”.

Alexander ReyesAnother opposition legislator said, “There is no need to mobilize the police because of individual carelessness” and Morales must reveal what information he has to justify why the “national security apparatus” is being moved by phone.

Luis Arce and Evo Morales in action (REUTERS / Manuel Claire)
Luis Arce and Evo Morales in action (REUTERS / Manuel Claire)

A silent fight between Ars and Morales

Analysts already expect MAS’s internal debates to make things more difficult domestically for the next presidential elections, as the two current leaders, President Luis Arce and his appointee Morales, have the same objective: They have decided to define who will be the candidate in 2025, when Bolivia celebrates 200 years..

Arce’s accession to the presidency came after the elections that led to the administration after the fall of Jeanine Annes. Morels. The cacao breeder insists until it is recognized as one Conspiracy There will be no national harmony. The opposition believes Ars didn’t mention much on that topic Because it was the maximum beneficiary since he was allowed access to the highest post in the country after being the Minister of Economy between 2006 and 2018.

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Morels Y Maple They do things together, but they’ve split up, and only one of them can run for office in 2025. The cell phone episode added another milestone in their fight, no longer silent, to lead MAS.

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