October 25, 2024

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Pope Francis criticizes populism: “certain forms of interest are social hypocrisy”

Pope Francis criticizes populism: “certain forms of interest are social hypocrisy”
Pope Francis speaks at the 50th Community Week of Trieste Catholics (REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo)

He Pope Francisco warned this Sunday about “Ideological and Populist Experiments” and position Democracy in the world during a visit to the Italian city TriesteIn the extreme northeast of Italy.

“Democracy in the world is not in good health”, lamented the Argentine pope during a speech to nearly 1,000 people at the Congress Center for the closing of the 50th Social Week organized by the Italian Church. “It (the problem) gives us interest and concern because human welfare is at stake,” he added.

To solve this problem, the Pope started from the definition of blessed Giuseppe Toniolo In 1907 the organization offered: “A civil order in which all social, legal, and economic forces, in the fullness of their hierarchical development, cooperate proportionately for the common good.” Beneficial to the lower classes.

First, the Pope pointed out the “wounds”. CorruptionThe Illegal and “various forms Social exclusion”.

“Every time someone is marginalized, the entire social body suffers.”. A throwaway culture is shaping a city that has no place for the poor, the unborn, the vulnerable, the sick, children, women or youth,” he decried.

Pope during Mass in Trieste (REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo).

Without specifying any country, Francis also warned against “ideological and populist impulses”.when A second round of legislative elections is underway in France For the first time, the extreme right could become a majority party and even reach the government.

“Ideologies are attractive. Some compare them to the Pied Piper of Hamel. They are tempting, but they lead you to deny yourself.”He referred to a famous story.

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He also revealed Concerns about rising polls around the world He wondered what this low turnout was. In addition, he recommended “training” the voter from an early age so that they would not fall into populist “temptation” in the future.

“The word ‘democracy’ does not simply correspond to the votes of the people, but the conditions that must be created so that everyone can express themselves and participate. And participation is not fostered, it is learned from an early age, it must be ‘practised’ and be critical in the face of ideological and populist temptations,” he said. He said.

George Bergoglio also called believers Move away from “impoverishing polarization”..

The Argentine papacy, while analyzing democratic societies, Especially harsh on certain types of interestsPublic assistance to citizens who cannot fully care for themselves.

“Everyone should feel part of a social project and no one should feel useless. Social hypocrisy is some kind of interest that does not recognize the dignity of people. “Welfare is the enemy of democracy and love of neighbor,” he said.

We immediately ask ourselves if what lies behind these images is not an attempt to “get away from social reality”: “Ignorance is the Cancer of Democracy”He settled.

Many people attend a mass in Piazza Unita d’Italia in Trieste. (REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo)

Finally, he called on Catholics to express their faith – which cannot be “marginal or personal” – and It takes “courage” to present proposals for justice and peace in public debate.

“We have to say something but not to defend privileges. We must be a voice of condemnation in a society that often does not give voice to many.” he insisted.

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Additionally, Francis highlighted the contribution Christianity could make to European cultural and social developmentEspecially the issues related to the life and dignity of people proposed in the European Parliament at the end of 2014.

The Pope greets the faithful in Trieste (REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo)

It was the 87-year-old Argentine Jesuit’s third visit to the Italian city this year, following trips to Venice in April and Verona in May, and the last before he embarks on his long pontifical tour of Asia and the borders. Oceania in September.

The Pope arrived by helicopter at 8:00 a.m. (06:00 GMT) in the city of 200,000 people, which borders Slovenia and is the capital of the autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. .

Francisco plans Meet religious and academic representatives, immigrants and people with disabilities.

His arrival Mass in Unita d’Italia Square, The main one in the city then returned to the Vatican in the afternoon.

George Bergoglio, who travels in a wheelchair, has not traveled abroad since a visit to Marseille in southern France in September 2023.

After health problems forced him to cancel several engagements over the winter, he has been in good shape in recent weeks.

(With information from AFP and EFE)