July 27, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

The cause of the wreck on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was known.

The cause of the wreck on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was known.
The cause of the Daly shipwreck on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has been determined (REUTERS)

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) announced the reason accident One of its flagships docked at the star early this Tuesday morning Baltimore.

According to the agency, the boat crashed into the sea about 30 minutes after leaving for Sri Lanka. Francis Scott Key BridgeHe will suffer A “momentary loss of momentum” Minutes before the accident, it ended in the collapse of the building and fire on board.

“The ship's managing company, Synergy Marine Pvt Ltd, indicated to the MPA that shortly before the incident, the vessel 'Dally' suffered a momentary loss of propulsion. As a result, it was unable to maintain the desired course and collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge,” the company said in a statement to the marine station. Due to its proximity, it is still operated by two harbor pilots. Established by local and international standards.

According to Singapore authorities, the ship suffered a “momentary loss of propulsion” (REUTERS)

He also mentioned that the ship had gone down Announcers In the water established by the emergency procedure, in an attempt to avoid the impact, this is consistent with the first report, which reported the loss of power minutes earlier by the crew.

On the other hand, Maryland state governor Wes Moore commented that the captain took Other Precautions To reduce the consequences of an accident. For example, images from the previous minutes show the ship Turning the lights on and off multiple timesDeclare an emergency.

These are the moments before the ship crashes on the Baltimore Bridge

Similarly, timely warning through distress call was done by the authorities Traffic should be stopped on the bridgeI-695 leaves only those already on the interstate freeway.

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Precisely, the Secretary of Transportation of the state of Maryland, Paul Whitefeld, noted that about eight people fell into the water. Two of them have already been discovered: One was taken to the hospital in critical condition, while the other is in good condition and remains in critical condition.

For the rest, search and rescue operations on the Patapsco River were immediately suspended.

“Meanwhile we are grateful”May Day“And the ramp we had the officers on and they were able to start stopping the flow so there weren't as many cars on the bridge,” Moore continued.

President Joe Biden He lamented what happened in the last few hours, calling it a “terrible accident”. He also pledged to send “all necessary federal resources” to help with the tragedy, and pledged to work toward its restoration, though he expected it would “take some time.”

Biden regretted the accident and promised to work on its reconstruction (REUTERS)

“I instruct my team Move heaven and earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge As soon as humanly possible but it will take some time,” he said in a brief speech from the White House.

Dally ship He traveled a few minutes ago It was scheduled to arrive in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 27 days from a port on the East Coast of the United States. Its shipping company, Grace Ocean, said it carried about half of its authorized cargo, about 4,679 containers.

The first accident occurred in 2016, shortly after the launch, when the ship collided with a dock in Antwerp, Belgium, according to the VesselFinder and ShipLog site.

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(With information from AFP)