October 23, 2024

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The Chinese regime tried to ban an art show in Italy

The Chinese regime tried to ban an art show in Italy
Badiucao prepares to showcase his work in Brescia. (AFP)

The work of an artist born in Shanghai causes little trouble within Chinese rule. Cartoonist and activist at a museum in Brescia (Italy) படியுக்காவ் One has to present Xi Jinping Unwanted Exhibition.

Images Chinese leader and Winnie the Pooh A paradoxical comparison now widely censored on Asian country social networks- a Representation of the riot police chasing the protesters.

Padiugao’s works will be presented to the public this Saturday Opposition from Chinese ambassadors. Letter to the Mayor of Prussia, Embassy of Rome, Art Works “Complete anti-Chinese lies” and “distort the facts, spread misinformation, mislead the Italian people and severely hurt the feelings of the Chinese people”According to the local newspaper Presia Newspaper.

For a disgruntled artist who has lived in Australia since 2009, controversy Not surprisingly.

“It is almost impossible to hurt (avoid) the Chinese government these days.”He said in statements to CNN. “Nothing can be sensitive and problematic,” he said.

Since the embassy complained last month, museum officials and local politicians have designed the exhibition. Symbol of freedom of speech.


“I have to say I had to read the letter twice because I was surprised,” said Laura Castelletti, deputy mayor of Brescia. He wrote the letter a He promised that “the interference in the artistic and cultural end of the city” and the demand for the cancellation of the exhibition “attracted much attention”., According to CNN.

However, city officials, who have a population of 200,000, did not pay: “No one, neither the Prussian mayor’s office nor the citizens, intends to cancel the exhibition.”Castelletti told AFP.

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Presia, known for its archaeological remains, has a long tradition of entertaining protesters, painters and writers in the name of “artistic freedom”, he explained.

One of the recent recipients is a Kurdish artist Zehra Token, “Persecuted by the Turkish regime” and exhibited his works there in 2019.

With smiling eyes and long pointed beard behind thick turtlenecks, Padioukao recognized who he was. “Prussia had the courage to say ‘no’ to China in defending fundamental rights.”.


Title “China (not near)” (“China (IS) is not close”)The exhibition, which marks the title of a popular Italian film from the 1960s, will remain open until February 13. Condemns Asian giant political repression and censorship used for two problems plaguing Beijing regime Corona virus outbreak.

Death threats

“I use my art to show the lies of the Chinese government, but I pay tribute to the courage and ingenuity of the Chinese who were subjected to a harsh environment with a dictatorial government.In an interview with AFP, Padigo promised.

In 2018, the idea of ​​hosting an exhibition in Hong Kong fell through due to pressure from the artist and his environment: “National Security Police came to intimidate my family in Shanghai” He added, “They threatened to send agents to the exam.”

Among the satirical works on display in Prussia are the ones that provoked Beijing’s anger. Mixed faces of Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Gary Lam, The chief executive of Hong Kong, wants to explain with him how the autonomy of the former British colony was distorted.

The Communist Party of China (CCP) “does not tolerate the power of creation, thinks all independent artists are its enemies, which is why it hates me so much.”, Maintains Padiyukovo, who promises that he is the target “Daily death threats on social media”.


Another very controversial job is over Sixty red clocks, painted in the artist’s own blood, And according to representing him Watches gifted to Chinese soldiers for participating in the violent crackdown on student protests in Tiananmen Square on June 3-4, 1989.

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Bank of China

The exhibition also pays homage “Tank Man”, The bizarre white-clad character facing the tanks, armed with two simple garbage bags trying to stop their advance, a film that has gone down in history as a symbol of the country’s repression, which has unleashed international condemnation of the government. Chinese.

For the dissident, nicknamed the “Chinese Bank,” there is no doubt that even Beijing. “Responsible for the Disaster Affected by Mankind” According to him, for hiding important information about the origin of the virus.

Exhibition “It is not intended to offend the Chinese people, culture or civilization.”, Francesca Pasoli, president of the Prussian Museum Foundation, told AFP.

By visualizing these works, “We support freedom of expression”, In short.

(With information from AFP)

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