October 23, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

The government will donate nearly 1 million vaccines against COVID-19 to Mozambique, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Vietnam and Dominica.

The government will donate nearly 1 million vaccines against COVID-19 to Mozambique, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Vietnam and Dominica.
Argentina to donate nearly 1 million doses of AstraZeneca to five countries

The government will donate About one million doses of astrogenogen vaccines COVID-19 against five countries in different parts of the world: Mozambique, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Vietnam and Dominica.

President Alberto Fernandez The move was approved with his signature on five decrees issued this Thursday Official announcement.

In fact, by the way Orders 765, 766, 767, 768 and 769/2021, National Executive Authority approved The “free donation” of 981,000 doses of the “ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine” known as AZD1222 by ASTRAZENECA UK LIMITED aims to develop immunity against Kovit-19.

They are distributed as follows: 11,000 for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 18,000 for St. Lucia, 500,000 for Vietnam, 2,000 for Dominica and 450,000 for Mozambique.

Donated doses are part of a sale agreement made several months ago by Argentina AstroGeneca UK Limited.

The government justified the move by citing the fact that As of November 1, 75% of the population had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and 56.5% had a complete immunization schedule. What else It explicitly says “records” in our country Steady decline in the number of corona lesions for 20 weeks Due to the improvement of the vaccine and the maintenance of maintenance measures.

“Epidemic is a global challenge that requires a unification strategy aimed at equal access to vaccines designed to build immunity against the corona virus,” the lawsuit added. The United States, Canada, Mexico and Spain have given 7,063,400 vaccines to Argentina., “At a time when accessing them was much more difficult than it is today.”

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“It was in Argentina’s favor to move forward with the vaccination campaign, which accelerated the holistic plan for the most at-risk population and developed the current epidemic situation,” it explained.

The executive branch added that it considers “joint efforts between countries to mitigate the economic and health consequences of the epidemic”. In this framework of understanding, “Guided by the Principles of Unity and Brotherhood”, The government “considers it convenient to promote equal and timely access to vaccines.”

Reported by Directorate of Control of Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Health “It has sufficient reserves” to make donations to the 5 countries mentioned “without affecting the goals” of the vaccination program.

According to the latest data update General monitoringSince the beginning of the immunization campaign, 77,077,105 doses have been distributed nationwide, of which 62,724,987 have been used. In that universe 35,420,449 people received a single dose and 26,982,182 people completed the program. In addition, 322,356 people received an additional dose.

The “Execution Agency” of the donation agreement is appointed by the Ministry of Health and will be “authorized to perform the actions necessary for its proper functioning”. Therefore, Carla Vicotti was authorized to “sign” on behalf of Argentina, and the agreement was said to “agree and sign the changes therein”.

Meanwhile, the health portfolio was exempted from paying export taxes. These orders were also signed by the Chief Officer Juan Manzoor, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Affairs, Santiago Cafiro.

With regard to the epidemiological situation of the country, there were in the last 24 hours 19 deaths and 1,567 new corona virus infections. With these data, Argentina is accumulating as a whole 5,300,985 positive cases Since the onset of the epidemic. When, Deaths 116,184.

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