December 26, 2024

Brighton Journal

Complete News World

The Pope from the South 10 years of Francis

The Pope from the South  10 years of Francis

This Monday, George Bergoglio will mark ten years since Francis assumed the post of Superior of the Roman Catholic Church (ICR). It is the first time an Argentine and Latin American has achieved that status. Francisco settled in this decade The world political scene as a leader and politician -though arguably lacking in outstanding figures in the contemporary scene-, It introduced topics of debate on the world agenda and, not limiting itself to the internal problems of the Catholic community, it highlighted itself with interventions – not always publicly – in the complex international scene.

He has tried to stay out of Argentina’s political life, although he is known to closely follow the events and almost daily life of his home country. Don’t talk to many people and be intimate. Since he went to Rome for the conclave that elected him Pope, he has not returned to the country, a “debt” that many accuse him of.

Domestically It was decided to open the doors of the RCC, resume the orientations of the Second Vatican Council (forgotten by many), renew the leading personnel of the Church, and internationalize the Curia., while at the same time it developed new internal participation methods along the path of synodality. All this brought a permanent and systematic reaction from conservative inner circles, including cardinals, bishops and ecclesiastical bodies.

Francisco, World and International Politics.

Not only in the most important documents such as encyclicals, but also in public interventions on trips and in forums such as the United Nations (2015), the Pope has always presented himself as a pro-peace worker. Bergoglio – like other world explorers – points out that we live A new global turmoil is emerging today in the form of many micro-conflictsBehind it will always be economic interests and the arms trade.

Francisco says that the great monotheistic religions have a role to play from a common ethic and morality based on the well-being of people. It also includes his quest for rapprochement, religious and interreligious encounter with Judaism, Islam, and their leaders. In this situation – not entirely favorable to him – Bergoglio hopes to find allies in favor of peace.

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In his homily, the Pope did not separate the questions of war and peace from the inequality in international relations, the inaction of the United Nations to end wars, but the phenomena of all these. An unfair international financial system, external debt imposed on poor countries and, in general, poverty in the world. Francisco talks and writes about these issues in his papers. But it uses Vatican diplomacy to negotiate in international forums and spaces. He and his immediate collaborators raised these issues with heads of state and officials of international organizations. Secretary of State for the Church, Cardinal Pietro BarolinOne of the regular speakers in these forums, but one who has great trust and intimacy with the Pope: the Honduran Cardinal. Oscar Rodriguez MaradiagaHe also coordinates the Commission of Cardinals who advise the Pope.

Many of these issues are reflected in the two encyclicals in which Francis addressed the social issue. Latado C’ (May 24, 2015) “Care for Public Housing” and Fratelli Tutti (October 3, 2020) “Fraternity and Social Friendship”.

In these documents, the Pope expressed such states of understanding The right to private property is a “second right”. “The universal rule of manufactured goods” and must be subject to demand Politics should be supported by the protection of human dignity, should be oriented towards the common good in the long run and should not be subservient to economics..

In this way, Bergoglio chose as his main allies Social movementsHe called the Vatican on several occasions and met personally at his Second World Conference in Santa Cruz (Bolivia) on July 9, 2015. Tell them “Humanity’s future, at large, lies in their hands, the ability to organize and promote creative alternatives, the “three Ts” (work, shelter, land) and their participation in the daily quest to be protagonists in great processes of national, regional and global change.”

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Francisco and (political) Argentina

Bergoglio knows and is perpetually curious about the reality of Argentina. Despite his busy schedule, he interacts with those who provide information and analysis on the country’s situation. It is frequented by visitors from Argentina. Not all of these visits are public and formal, and the most substantial are the meetings booked at the Santa Marta House, where the Pope lives austerely and unethically. Added to this are documents from our country through official and unofficial channels and the Pope’s frequent phone calls – in a reserved manner.

It’s a question that always comes up — and some media outlets keep feeding it Why don’t you come to Argentina? In recent public interviews, Francis has not ruled out the possibility. However, everything points to this not happening as long as their presence is a cause of tensions and social and political friction between the various factions. Bergoglio wants to be a factor of meeting and unity between Argentine men and women. His return to the country – which will no doubt be a massive event – should be a treat for the crowd. To put this in terms of current Argentine politics: an “anti-split” demonstration. At present, the conditions do not seem to exist for this to happen.

Favorable and fortuitous circumstances must come together for Francisco to set foot and walk again on the streets of his native country.

Francis and the Resistance (Inside the Church)

Shortly after his installation in the Vatican it became clear that Bergoglio would have it Militant opposition from the most conservative sects of the Catholic ChurchEspecially those who controlled the Roman Curia during the papacy of John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

What bothers conservatives? It can be said – to generalize and make a crude statement – that disturbance is change. There are many – both inside and outside the Church – who would like things to continue as they are.

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But while giving some reasons, it should be noted that Opus Dei did not lose its place in ecclesiastical power, the “right” cardinals – especially the Italians – did not want the “internationalization” of the government of the Church. In addition, lay people enter there, and “worse”, ordinary women.

After all, it is annoying that Francisco becomes a spokesman for the poor and the “discarded”, but in ecclesiastical terms he refrains from condemning the divorced and homosexuals. lefebvristas And dialogues with liberation theologians – even pointing out differences – at the same time initiate events of greater participation in the vision of a more assembly-based church through the so-called “synodal path”.

Can Bergoglio, in a certain sense, be said to be a “revolutionary” in the RCC? At the moment it isn’t and doesn’t pretend to be. Nor is the analysis worth doing at this time. It is necessary to wait the necessary time to evaluate the changes it produces. Or maybe as he mentioned in Rom American theologian Richard Gaillardets On October 21, 2022, at a conference at the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences: “Francis opened a wide door that would lead to a fully reformed Church, inspired by doctrinal reconciliation, but often he hesitated to pass through it himself. For that to happen, I suspect we will have to wait for another bishop of Rome.

Are you going to leave? He said no and emphasized that the resignation of the Pope should not become a fashion. However, this possibility should not be ruled out. But first, those who know him best say, he is ready to set in motion irreversible institutional reforms that must be guaranteed by choosing a successor who can throw everything away and continue in his footsteps.

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