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What is happening in Kazakhstan: rising gas prices, beheadings and Putin’s protgs

What is happening in Kazakhstan: rising gas prices, beheadings and Putin’s protgs
Troops in the main square in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on January 6, 2022, hundreds of people protest against the government following the decision of the authorities to raise the price cap on liquefied petroleum gas. REUTERS / Mariya Gordeyeva

Vladimir Putin Sent paramedics Kazakhstan To quell a major nationwide uprising and unprecedented institutional crisis on Thursday, after this former violence Condition Soviet Strongly Verified. Alma They, The country’s main city, looks like a battlefield where dozens of protesters were killed: pictures show burning cars, burning buildings and a large military presence.

State television said the violence had reached a point Thirteen members of the security forces were killed, including two who were beheaded. The president’s house and the mayor’s office were set on fire. On Thursday afternoon, the city’s airport, previously occupied by protesters, was under the firm control of the military.

The spark that caused the explosion

The uprising began on New Year’s Day as a protest against rising fuel prices., Expanded sharply on Wednesday, when protesters attacked and set fire to public buildings. Raised the slogan against Narsultan Nazarbayev They roped in ropes in an attempt to overthrow the former omnipotent ruler of Soviet times — and, on at least one occasion, his bronze statue.

For his part, the current president is Qasim-Jomar Tokayev He initially responded by removing his cabinet, Reversing the rise in fuel prices And distances himself from his predecessor. He also announced that he was going to accept a powerful security post Nazarbayev Was guarded.

A person photographs a car in front of a City Hall building on January 6, 2022 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, during a protest over fuel prices.  REUTERS / Pavel Mikheyev
A person photographs a car in front of a City Hall building on January 6, 2022 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, during a protest over fuel prices. REUTERS / Pavel Mikheyev

But despite that, These actions did not seem to be enough to calm the crowd Blame the authorities With a population of 19 million, the country was extremely poor and amassed enormous wealth in oil and minerals.

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The struggles do not seem to have a recognizable leader or demands. Many of the protesters shouted “”.Go old man“, A note Nazarbayev, Who dominated politics Kazakhstan And his government was marked by a moderate cult of personality. Critics say he effectively established a caste system in government.

Nazarbayev He stepped down in 2019, still the leader of the last Soviet-era Communist Party and still ruling the former Soviet state. But he and his family were in control, holding key positions of oversight of the security forces and the political apparatus in Noor-Sultan, the capital built for the purpose bearing his name. I have not seen or heard of him since the riots began.

Current President Qasim-Jomar Tokayev and former ruler Narsultan Nazarbayev are in the file photo.  Both have been targeted by protesters for years for corruption.  Rising gas prices cause final explosion (Reuters)
Current President Qasim-Jomar Tokayev and former ruler Narsultan Nazarbayev are in the file photo. Both have been targeted by protesters for years for corruption. Rising gas prices cause final explosion (Reuters)

News agency Toss Cited by the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan More than 1,000 people were injured during the protests, and more than 400 have been hospitalized..

The riots began as protests against the rising cost of liquefied petroleum gas, the fuel used by the poor to run their cars.. But they quickly escalated into widespread anti-government riots, sparking deep resentment over the three decades of Nazarbayev and his successor regime.

Without internet

The regime cut off the Internet across the country And it is impossible to confirm the full purpose of the demonstrations. But the riot was unprecedented Kazakhstan, The leader ruled firmly since Soviet times Nazarbayev, 81, who ruled despite leaving the presidency three years ago.

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His successor, the President Tokayev He called at night Putin, Within the framework of a military alliance Former Soviet states run by Moscow. He blamed the riots. “Terrorists“He was trained abroad and seized buildings and weapons,” he said.It is an attack on the unity of the state and, above all, an attack on our citizens who ask me to help urgently.“, he said.

The mayor of Alma Ata, the main city of Kazakhstan, can be seen burning after the violent protests on Wednesday and Thursday (Reuters).
The mayor of Alma Ata, the main city of Kazakhstan, can be seen burning after the violent protests on Wednesday and Thursday (Reuters).

Secretariat Organization of the Joint Security Agreement, Led Russia, Said to include units sent by troops Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. He did not disclose the total size of the force. Russian paramedics transferred to Kazakhstan And “advanced units of its team have already begun to carry out the assigned tasks.”

In an untested video on social media, it shows troops patrolling and firing at night on the icy streets of Alma Atta. As well as widespread looting in the city.

Tokayev Ordered the government to protect businesses owned by foreign embassies and foreign companies. The country’s reputation for stability has helped attract hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign investment in the oil and metal industries.

State television said National Bank of Kazakhstan He has decided to suspend work for the safety of workers.

(With information from Reuters and AP) .-

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