September 10, 2024

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Why the omigron variant of Govit-19 is spreading so fast

Why the omigron variant of Govit-19 is spreading so fast
Experts believe that Ómicron will soon overtake the delta variant of the virus (EFE / Ernesto Mastrascuza)

The Omicron variant of the corona virus has already been detected in 89 countries. In the UK, it has replaced Delta as the dominant variant of the corona virus within a month.According to Danish health officials, there are only a few days to do this in Denmark as well. This is already the dominant variant in Ontario (Canada), with 51% of new cases, according to a panel of scientists advising the provincial government. In the United States, the delta variation accounted for about 96% of cases nationwide in the first week of December 11, while the Omigron variant accounted for about 3%. The number of cases is higher in some areas: In New York and New Jersey, it is estimated that about 13% of Covid-19 cases contain Omigron.

As the World Health Organization announced this Saturday, Omigron’s ‘significant growth advantage’ over the delta variant is that the new variant is likely to quickly overtake it as the dominant form of the virus in countries where it spreads locally.Added by the UN Health Organization.

One of the measurements used by epidemiologists to measure the spread of a virus is its effective reproduction number, or R, the average number of infected individuals. This value will vary from place to place depending on the level of immunity and the public health policies used to control the spread. The higher the value, the more the virus spreads.

Susan Hopkins, head of the UK Health Security Agency, told the UK Parliament last Thursday that her company had estimated the R omicron value to be between 3 and 5. .

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In fact, the WHO warns that Omigron is spreading rapidly in countries with high vaccination rates. Or a significant portion of the population has recovered from Govt-19.

In detail The Wall Street Journal, The increased proliferation of Omigran is a combination of several properties: it can easily bind and penetrate human respiratory cells; It reacts rapidly once into our body; Immunity derived from previous infections or vaccines can be significantly avoided.

These benefits Ómicron are spreading around the world at a staggering rate.

Cases of Omicron’s astonishing spread are on the rise. After a Christmas party hosted by a renewable energy company at an Oslo restaurant on November 26, 80 of the 111 guests tested positive for the corona virus, and the media point out that the Norwegian says all genetic samples are probably omigron. Public Health Institute.

In Hong Kong, on November 13, at a secluded hotel in the city, a 36-year-old man was identified as one of the first people to suffer from Ómicron disease. Five days later, the 62-year-old, who was staying in a room across the hall, tested positive for the variant, although he had no contact.

Experts say in detail Behind the rapid proliferation of Omigran lies a set of mutations that offer an advantage over older variants. Of the approximately 50 ராm mutations, at least 30 are found in spike protein, which helps the virus to penetrate cells and is the main target of vaccines.

Infections Recorded in a Week in the United Kingdom (EFE)
Infections Recorded in a Week in the United Kingdom (EFE)

Laboratory tests in South Africa, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States have shown that the ability of antibodies to enter cells is weaker than other strains, making வர்களுக்குmicron more susceptible to infection in previously vaccinated or infected people.. This means that it spreads faster even to highly vaccinated people.

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A sample released Friday by researchers at Imperial College London is being evaluated The risk of re-infection with Omigran is 5.4 times higher than that of Delta. Recommends limited protection from previous infections. This study, which was not reviewed by colleagues, also reported a decrease in the effectiveness of the vaccine against Omigran infection after two doses, compared with Delta.

Although nearly 70% of the UK population is fully vaccinated, the record of Ómicron cases has led to an increase, with the government urging citizens to work from home as much as possible, restricting attendance with other families over the coming Christmas days. Booster shots to boost immunity. Denmark and Norway have tightened public health restrictions to counter the rise in cases.

“If the virus can be partially prevented by another variant or vaccine, the immune response triggered by a previous infection can be more effectively transmitted and transmitted. This is what we see with the Omigron variant,” Lawrence Young, professor of virology and molecular cancer at the University of Warwick, told WSJ.

This was found in a study not yet reviewed by Hong Kong researchers Infecting and multiplying 70 times faster than the delta variant in the Omigron airway, which explains why the new variant spreads so rapidly. However, the researchers found that micron Less effectively reflected in the lungs It may help explain why it is associated with a less serious disease in many victims than the original version of the virus.

British health officials said The advantage of Omicron is that the interval at which the newly infected person becomes infected with others seems to be shorter with Omicron, perhaps three days compared to six or more days with Delta. They also estimated that the risk of transmitting the virus to another member of their family was three times higher than that of Omicron, compared to Delta.

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“If the virus spreads rapidly, it will soon spread to others,” said Julian Tang, a medical virologist and professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Leicester.

This high-level transmission complication, scientists say, can cause Omigron to cause mild illness, especially to those who have been vaccinated or who have been immunized against a previous infection.

A document pending review by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine disease model makers outlines a number of possible scenarios that could vary depending on the extent to which Ómicron spreads in the UK in the coming months, preventing immunity and efficacy. Stimulants in preventing infection. All footage indicates several more cases, hospital admissions and deaths.

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