February 15, 2025

Brighton Journal

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Which country in South America will run out of water by 2040?

Which country in South America will run out of water by 2040?

At present, around 25 countries are home to a quarter of the world's population. They face water stress and use almost all water supply. Almost half of the world's population lives in these conditions, i.e. water scarcity.

According to the World Resources Institute (WRI) Watershed Water Risk Atlas Project, “Living with high levels of water stress can endanger life, work and food and energy securityWater is essential for growing crops and livestock, generating electricity, human health, promoting equitable societies and achieving global climate goals.”

WRI, World Resources Institute, is a global, non-governmental and research organization Creating conditions of equality and prosperity Through sustainable management of natural resources.

The reason for water stress is simple: demand for water has doubled since 1960, outstripping the amount of liquid available. “Increase Demand for water is generally a result of population growth and activities such as irrigated agriculture, livestock, energy production and industry,” says WRI.

Lebanon is one of the 5 countries with the highest water pressure today./ Harissa Monastery with Beirut in the background.  A History of the Mediterranean Sea for the Next Millennium. Lebanon is one of the 5 countries with the highest water pressure today./ Harissa Monastery with Beirut in the background. A History of the Mediterranean Sea for the Next Millennium.

In this context, WRI makes water stress forecasts for various countries. says one of them A country in Latin America There will be serious problems in water supply in future.

Which country in South America will run out of water by 2040?

Currently, according to WRI, there are five countries with high water stress Bahrain, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman and Qatar.

But the non-profit organization's projections for 2040 indicate that by then, one South American country will be among the 33 most water-stressed countries, for the first time.

Chile appears to be the 24th country out of 33 countries with the greatest water resource problems by 2040. / View of the capital Santiago from Cerro San Cristóbal.  Shutterstock.Chile appears to be the 24th country out of 33 countries with the greatest water resource problems by 2040. / View of the capital Santiago from Cerro San Cristóbal. Shutterstock.

Chile ranks 24th among troubled countries.It is the first country in Latin America to appear in this worrying ranking.

The WRI explains that Chile will go from the highest pressure already recorded in 2010 to the highest pressure in 2040.

The organization, which studies and warns of these events, says that “Chile is one of the countries most likely to experience reduced water supplies due to the combined effects.” Increase in temperature Changes in critical areas and rainfall patterns.”

Middle East in trouble

Israel is among the 10 countries most affected by water stress in 2040.  14 of the 33 most affected countries in the world are from the Middle East./ EFE / Jim Hollander. Israel is among the 10 countries most affected by water stress in 2040. 14 of the 33 most affected countries in the world are from the Middle East./ EFE / Jim Hollander.

According to the World Resources Institute (WRI) projections for 2040, 14 out of 33 countries are likely to experience high water stress. They will be from Middle Eastern countries.

“This region, already the least water secure in the world, is highly dependent Ground water and desalinated seawater,” WRI explains.

View of Changyu Moser Castle, Ningxia Province, China.  A region that records water pressure like the American Southwest.View of Changyu Moser Castle, Ningxia Province, China. A region that records water pressure like the American Southwest.

But water scarcity affects other countries too. Like USA, China and India.

The agency predicts that high water stress will remain constant through 2040 in all three countries. However, some regions such as the Southwest USA and Ningxia Province of China, An increase in water pressure can be recorded.